Friday, March 09, 2007


Late Day Thought

Via CNBC, Cramer doesn't mind supporting genocide, providing it makes him money.


At least he took off his Che T-Shirt.
Me thinks cramer throws but darts-----> (o)

I thought Erin Burnett was going to slap him.

Funny stuff.
The Bears are going to come out of their caves again on Monday.
Dammit Broker I want some of those Warrants too. Give us a chance :)
Hard to buy. Fucking illiquid.
I know, I see your order out there for 10k. I am just looking for 2k here at 1.74 but someone ran it up.
Talk to broker A about that run up stuff I believe him to be a MVISW runnerupper.
Personally, I know of a lot of buying interest in MVIS today.

Also, some money is being held back, until after earnings.
SDXC back to life. Thx Broker, I held on & laid down a little more.
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