Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Late Day Thought

Tom Brown is on fucking fire, today.

LEND said it is pursuing strategic options. Since LEH said it is sifting through the sub prime rubble, guess people are speculating LEH will buy LEND?
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BTW, LEND has already said it's out of cash. If LEH wants LEND, I see no reason why LEH wouldn't let me file, dischages all the potential lawsuits and toxic liabilities in bankrupty, then buy the assets out of bankruptcy.

But I'm just a lowly maggot, so what do I know.
replace *me* with *them*
"replace *me* with *them*"

Yeh, right. You slipped dude. I knew you were the CEO of LEND.

Don't you have a bankruptcy to handle?
Not sure why LEH would want to get involved if their is mucho liablilty pending. The creditors could file the Bankruptcy Petition for LEND and set aside the deal as a preferential transfer if the creditors aren't satisfied with the LEH deal.
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