Monday, March 26, 2007


The Polls Close at Mid-Night (NYC Time)

Despite allegations of "voter fraud" and "internet fixing," Ducati appears to be well on his way to victory or another fun week of blogging at

With a record turn out (93 votes), "The Ducati" holds a 53%-47% advantage.


UPDATE: It's a nail biter. As the polls open in Asia, Ducati's lead is withering away, now up by a mere 2 votes. I assume he has enemies in Asia and Australia.

Developing still...

Just make sure there are no hanging chads otherwise there could be litigation up to the Supreme Court.
I will sue if ducati does not come out ahead in the poll. He deserves the job more than anyone else because he is the nicest guy on the internets.
I see right the conspiracy to double your take home blog pay. You sign Woodshedder and Ducati (and others) to one or two week stints, make up some phony controversy after they post and make a soap opera out of the whole thing. You drive up traffic for your site (and theirs) and pocket the extra $1 a day, laughing at all of us. I won't stand for it anymore!!11!1!oneone!!!eleven!!!1!1one!!
Indeed. I "pocket" the extra buck a day.

Polls close in 1 1/2 hours.
No, it wasn't phony. I really am talented, yet lazy.
He's a witch! Burn himmmm....BURN HIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!
I want to vote, i need to save him he wasnt that horrible, what time do you have?
The polls have closed.

If you weren't such a lazy, smoked out hippie, maybe you would have made it to the polls, prior to them closing? Huh, fucker?
I do not smoke and NYC is too far to drive I think it is best though, he didnt fit in, BTW I was driving my single, pregnant and unwed neighbor to the hospital or I would have voted in a timely manner. Thanks for your prisa.
No excuses, when discussing the important matter of internet democracy.

Sorry, I don't make the rules. I invent them.
Internet quasi-dictatorship... I thought Pinochet died. Invent that.
Oh, and I am going back to my Hookah, have meetings in the morn.
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