Friday, March 02, 2007


Quick Alert: Fly's Analyst Confronts BWLD Short Seller

Apparently, the BWLD short seller was conversing with a HANS seller, when my analyst confronted him.

He's fucking serious about his positions.

You get the special edition Rocky 1-4 (there was no 5, there will never be a 5) DVD set for Christmas this year?
thanks for the add to your links section... i returned the favor

I just unloaded my gold position a while ago -- I hope no other asshat followed me into a long position. I was right about inflationary oil prices, but didn't figure in that there were so many fuckers out there that would be selling gold to pay for their margined stock losses.
Of course, my "sell" is a bullish indicator on gold...right?

Of course, my "sell" is a bullish indicator on gold...right?

I sure hope so. My retirement account is depending on it.
Maybe some of those long gold contracts were purchased with borrowed Yen.
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