Friday, March 23, 2007


Quick Alert: Giant Bowl of Oatmeal

I have just started to devour a giant bowl of oatmeal. Try it, it will make you rich.


What do you think about BBND around 17.08?
Wow...Giant Brownies, Giant bowls of oatmeal, you must be one giant fat fucker.
Or one giant shitter
Bananas & Cream, Peaches & Cream, Blueberries & Cream oatmeal -- excellent products. But I wish they made those flavored "instant oatmeal" packets in a larger size. Who eats just one?
"Wow...Giant Brownies, Giant bowls of oatmeal, you must be one giant fat fucker."

Nope. God has blessed me with a fast metabolism. I can eat forever and remain 185.
The female military girl behind GW is pretty good looking. I'm off to enlist.
Starting to change, threw out some bids and can't get filled
once again, everyone is a sissy. Here's what I ate for breakfast at 9 AM for my finance test, which I raped viking style.

Yes, you can see the fat glistening. Kinda like my stocks, shiny.
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