Thursday, March 29, 2007


Quick Alert: Time to Take a Nap

With the markets rolling over here, I will take this opportunity to have a siesta. Frankly, if I stick around, with you internet idiots, I will make many mistakes.

My natural reaction is to buy the dips. However, my "calculator brain" senses a shift in sentiment, which may lead to the market getting ball and chained.

In short, I spit on this tape. I want no part of it and will spend the rest of my day eating cashews and drinking milk shakes.

Well, this tape is working for me - up is better than down.... No huge gains anywhere, but small gains almost everywhere led by DVN and Brazil.
Fly doesn't care-he got a membership in Nutrisystems for his birthday.
Perfect afternoon to watch DIVX encoded porn.
"Cashews and milk shakes??? You'll weigh 300 pounds with clogged arteries!!"

Fuck you. "The Fly" doesn't gain weight.
You must have had some oatmeal. The market has turned up again ...
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