Friday, March 30, 2007


Sector Spotlight: Trannies

Finally, JP Morgan has woken up to smell the Monster Soda, upgrading the stock this morning. I understand why analyst's are skeptical of HANS, but do not give them a pass for bad research. Go out there and see what's selling you fucking faggots. Monster is a beast and will continue to gain shelf space, particularly now that it's teamed up with BUD.

Right now, everything is on fire. Fund managers are diving in head first. The bulls are saying "go long, fuck it," while the sellers twiddle their thumbs in a nervous state of stupid.

DELL is a fucking joke. Michael Dell has no fucking idea what he is doing. I mean, why did quit being CEO in the first place? He is young, smart and has a lot of fucking money riding on the stock, right? Instead of building DELL and solidifying their position as #1 PC company in the world, he handed the company over to some hatfucker who wrecked it. Nice.

Aside from DELL rants, I like the Trannies today, specifically ACLI, RAMS, UTIW, CSX and DRYS.

Finally, I understand MVIS is meeting with Fidelity and other mutual funds in Boston, today. Hopefully, Tokman will bring his A game and convince the giants over at Fidelity to start buying some stock, again.

Second consecutive day where they fade the opening rally. Horrible market action.
Eric Bolling has now spewed all over himself. These oil fuckers are going to tank us.
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