Friday, April 27, 2007


Asshat of the Week Award: Herb Greenberg

The "Asshat Award" was invented for people like Herb. This man is King of the Asshats, with his fucktarded bear picks. I don't know where to begin.

I mean, this man got his ass kicked by a fucking donut store (KKD) and was wrong on just about everything, with the exception of OSTK.

Furthermore, Herb's bear picks don't just go up a little. They fucking explode to the upside, with 1, 2 or even 10 baggers.

If this man ran a hedge fund, he would lose 99% of its money, within year one. That's how bad he is.

From NTRI to HANS to AAPL to JCI or ISRG, Herb is always wrong. He makes the "Suck my Nasdaq" guy look like a fucking guru.

So, the next time you hear Herb trash a company, just go long. You are almost assured of making truckloads of newly minted cash.


Feel free to congratulate Herb aka "BearShitter," via a message on his blog, of this crowing achievement.

Too bad Mr. Bearshitter himself has comment screeners sifting through his comments before they post....
Buy NTRI you fuckers add fuel to this squeeze. I added at 62
Herb and Jim Cramer must be good friends who share the same ideas.
congratulations to herb for putting up such a pussy fight
I posted a comment to his site. Doubtful that he will let it appear.

Also, i bought in to NTRI. That means it will tank. You've been warned.
HA! Great post, Fly.
My fat ass is heading for PNRA.
Anyone want anything?
Man, JSDA is getting fagged hard--again. OUCH. Where's the bottom there?
Fuck you Fly. I will crush you.
Anyone else interested in BBND? The demand for efficient bandwidth allocation and digital content delivery isn't getting any smaller. I'm not sure about an entry point yet, though....
love bbnd.

They just opened their 4th office in China.
I happen to have a pic of 'ole Herb hanging on my wall. No wonder he never posts my comments! hehe
Here was my screened comment:


You are an Asshat.

Brother J

Loyal follower of The Fly.
Herb looks like he just huffed a cylinder of happy gas. Or ate a small chupacabra or something. The fucker is definitely dubious-looking.
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