Friday, April 27, 2007


Closing Comments

This week, MVIS tried to destroy me, knifing down all week. I'll have you know, whenever my stocks go down-- I hate them. I'm fucked up like that.

However, despite MVIS' desire to wreck "The Fly's" 8 week winning streak, I closed up 0.3% for the week.

Now, I know what you are thinking. Many of you wish me doom, thinking "fuck this guy and his oatmeal" or "I hope this guy gets hit by a cement truck." I'll have you know, "The Fly" looks both ways when crossing the street.

As for today's trading:

We are in a true bull market. Despite bad economic news, the market still ripped. With my money, I want to stay long the fat guy, via NTRI, BWLD, HANS, PNRA and soon JSDA.

Finally, if a shotgun were put to my head, in order to extract one stock pick, I'd say: "Sir, shoot me if you must, but before you do, go long INSM."

NOTE: Be sure to visit this weekend. "The Fly" has hired some dude named "Jeremy" to blog, this weekend. Elections will be held Sunday night.


What's your entry point for JSDA? Crowded trade, but the soda is sooo tasty.

I'd like to gobble some up as well and take some DO off of the table.

Have a nice weekend and spanks for the content.

Yours truly.
Insmed? Lost-our-court-case to Tercica Insmed? I guess, sure. Nothing like betting on a big loser.
Is this jeremy from pearl jam fame? i sure hope so. This grammar is for you fly.
Great stuff, Fly.
I enjoyed some of the new handles today.
"Herb" and "Dylan Ratigan" were funny, but the newbies that harassed Fly this week should be kicked out or quartered.
This site is clearly subscription material and I'm willing to pay serious ducks for access to it.
You should see some of the crap that winds up on my CC bill. I pay $30 slams per month for some serious dogshit services. Not to mention the sub-par porn.
Just got back from PNRA, my fat ass' second trip there today.
Got 5 bottles of Black Cherry Jones Soda and another Pepper Blue Steak sandwich. Amazing fat people food.
-The Zombie, loyal I-net fucktard
I envy the success you have and hope you lose everything.
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Lurker- In Internet [sic] culture, a lurker is a person who reads discussions on a message board, newsgroup, chatroom, file sharing or other interactive system, but rarely participates.

^ That's me. I've been lurking in the dark shadows of this highly-profitable and highly-entertaining Internets blog since December-ish.

Anyway, like "The Fly" so eloquently said, I'm the weekend blogger...for now. Actually, I only sent Fly a "one-time, ready-to-go" article via email, so I guess the "special elections" will only be symbolic. Take that, my soon-to-be political enemies!

But before I post the piece of garbage tomorrow afternoon (thus publicly humiliating myself and the proud state of Minnesota), here's a heads-up: The topic is seasonality-- and with all of the CNBC fucktardedness about "sell in May, go away," the topic seems especially apropos. Lemme know if there are special sub-topics or questions that you'd like to see addressed in the article-- I do requests!
Excellent choice of topic, Jeremy.
What about the year before an election year as a sub topic?
Thanks much.
-The Zombie, loyal i-net fucktard
I love seasonality picks.

Also, keep in mind, "The Fly" will never fail. He is destined for internet greatness.

Guy Adami baked his face too long, this time.
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Good, I'm glad people are optimistic about my article-- it'll be an even bigger disappointment for you than I ever could have hoped for!

Presidential election data? You got it.

Fly destined for greatness? Of course! Who would have thought otherwise? Besides, isn't he already some kinda multi-millionaire success story? See, unlike the immortal Carl Fox (as depicted by Martin Sheen), I am a "guy who measures a man's success by the size of his WALLET."
Didn't I tell you I'd have to make MVIS go down if you messed with Sanjaya?
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