Sunday, April 15, 2007


Elections Rained Out

Due to the crazy "Noreaster" bunny storm in NYC, the "elections" have been delayed, indefinitely.

Gee, there is so much darn rain here, I may just drive to work in a boat, instead of a car, tomorrow.

(sarcasm off)

In no way is the "election delay" an attempt to circumvent the people's power and appoint "Breakfast Taco" as Secretary of Microvision, in order to allow him to publish favorable MVIS jargon.

In other news, I have switched from the title of King of the Internets to Caesar of the Internets (not to be confused with the salad).

Let this important distinction be noted.

NOTE: Right now, the NIKKEI is going Godzilla on the shorts, up 282 points.

I wonder if Ducati likes taking potshots at the N225, I mean, he lives nearby, no? I wouldn't be surprised if Snoopy was short Japan. Oh boy, I fear that he is gonna be especially irritable on Monday, too bad I blackballed him.
Ducati is a dick grabber.
Broker a, you have pussed out on shitcanning your worst guest blogger yet. And then no elections? You've gone soft. I don't know who I'm most disappointed in- BT, for letting his family get in the way of a crucial weekend blog spot, or you for allowing anarchy to rein supreme in Flydom.
You are just a disgruntled former employee.
i bought friday's N225 close and am happier than a fly on sh!t
long nki-wt
taking out 18k today
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