Sunday, April 15, 2007


Farewell Tards

The loyal fans of The Fly clamor for more than I can give. Truth be known, 3 little league games, 2 practices and the "out of town" grandparents rank slightly higher than entertaining faceless tards on the internets. Tutor, your points on BWLD are very valid, but if you recall Rain Forrest Cafe, Planet Hollywood, and others ripped the faces off the shorts before they collapsed. The only stock The Fly and I have a common interest in is MVIS. If The Fly would be so gracious as to let me come back from time to time to update you on the story, I would be happy to do so. Make no mistake about it, MVIS is on the verge of explosive news, huge increases in stock price, and the creation products in multiple industries. With the Permission of The Fly, in the next few days, I will post some figures I believe are attainable in each of the different industries and show you why MVIS may be the best opportunity many of us will ever get a chance in which to partiipate. Good luck to the next poor soul who tries to placate the masses. Thanks for taking the time to read and the feedback. Good luck to all of you, I hope you all get rich beyond your wildest and do something good with your fortunes. A little footage of me coaching this weekend.

Wow. What a politician!

This is a resignation that would make Nixon proud.

Once again, Taco proves to outsmart the mob and ends up on top.

Great job Taco, and I look forward to firing you in the future.
Taco, no doubt there can be some upside in the buffalo wing industry. However, I stake my decades of survival with this lady called the market by mitigating risk...

One season I coached three youth soccer teams at once. What a juggle. Reminds me of so many Sunday nights left without a voice from cheering so much.

Of the three guest bloggers you got the closest to explaining what this mad man Broker A sees in some of his picks.

Hope you all in NYC don't drown tonight!
How can you fire this guy, Fly? He's much nicer than Ducati and he's hilarious. Does Friday not count as the weekend anymore? That was a great weekend post right there, no?
I didn't fire him; he quit.

However, he can come back anytime he pleases.
Just give the fucker the keys to the site. 100% improvement from Fly's weekend posting. BT has kids for christ sake. A soccer DAD.
ok, done.

He now has the keys.

Now what?
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