Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Fly Buy: WGAT

I bought 15,000 WGAT @ $.71.

Disclaimer: If you buy WGAT because of this post, you may have brain damage. And, you may lose money.

Well at least I bought yesterday.
Although feeling brain damaged in DIVX.
Those OJO phones are sort of gay looking.
Anyone amused with BRCD @ 10.25? It's like watching Whac-A-Mole.
Yes, the OJO phones do look gay. However, try telling that to the hearing impaired. I'm sure they look great to them.

BRCD is for idiots.

IVAC is your disk drive play, not KOMG.
If I held that IVAC short from a few months back I would be looking alright now. HA!
What do you guys think about the potential AMZN short around here. Seriously it really has shot up 25% on a short squeeze that was massive. Its an online retailer trading at a massive valuation when the consumer theoretically should be slowing down given the crazy Eric Bolling gas prices out there. Does the risk/reward setup look right to you guys? Maybe I should say would you buy it here on the long side?
I hate AMZN. I may short it next week after his madness subsides. This is what the current AMZN shorts are having done to them today:
Hello $3.00+ gasoline.
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Caddy, that was last week... Hello $3.50+ gas.
The consumers that pump the majority of money into companies (percentage wise) like Amazon are typically savvy middle to upper class consumers, they are not affected by high oil/gas prices that happen seasonally. Think about it, and trust me on this. The whole "Oil/gas prices are high so consumers are going to quit buying things" is a CNBC phenomenon.
Unleaded regular was still about $2.90 at most stations this morning in Orlando. I was in Georgia last week for a golf tournament and it was about 10-12 cents less because of lower taxes in Ga. Of course that was last week and I suspect we will start to see some demand destruction soon and if the refineries start up again we should plummet. What do you think Crude Broker?
I miss living in Georgia, even Atlanta (big city gas) was much cheaper than anywhere else that I lived. Here in Oregon it's about $3.15 down the street.
Landed in Memphis today and filled up for $2.76.......
I have to agree with crude broker, gas is cheap. Heck, an equal volume of a green monster is 10x the price of gas. Travel in Europe if you want to see expensive gasoline. Wake up to it!
Make that 5x.
This is just a broad thought; economy seems to be doing well, people will spend money generously, so I personally don't see demand destruction. Noting above; I am a big believer the people that put big money into the economy are not affected by oil prices. Refiners still running very thin, 87.8% capacity as of today (this time of year they should be running all out around 95-6% capacity) so there is your .07 spike in gasoline today. And, "hurricane season" hasn't started yet, putting the squeeze on the refineries etc. My thought on the whole hurricane season is just the odds, a big scary year in 05, a non event in 06, so 07 should at least have a few that put jitters into the market.
What do you guys make of the commercials being net short oil now? Are we close to a short term top?
You can thank your government for the subsidy. In southeast asia you need a C-note just for 1 gallon of gas!
NTRI is on fucking fire!
I am nervous that NTRI will drop on the close. And... AMZN seems like a short sale up here or at least around the $60 range, just as a trade though, I don't know or care to know about internet companies, but just remember this, It isn't 1999. Every other website on the planet will match or beat Amazons prices for your business. They are getting the same shit from the same shitin' people to sell you, well, shit.
Hey Broker-
Do you do this much analysis on the Little League teams you face? I could see you throwing Monster cans at the umpires for bad calls at the plate.
Crude Broker -- If your nervous then your risk profile is way too high. Cautious is fine but nervous is not.
Good point. I still hate earnings.
AMZN sucks.
AKAM longs getting raped. Earnings were leaked 11c v 28c consensus.
I see woeful underperformance the last two days in the Russell 2000 via the IWM ETF. Is this meaningful?
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