Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Johnny and June Carter Cash: Jackson

Fuck yeah....some Jxn lovin, hated that town when I went to med school there, still hate it....ever since the fire went out.

MS love from the Fly.....makes me wish I was long YHOO, NOT.
Finally some decent tunes around here.
Fucking confederate hillbillies:)
I sold my YHOO to a boy named sue........bitch that he is, he kept asking for the gimp. Fucking brilliant....confederate's rule.
Great song, 'bout time you got some good music on this blog.
If you liked 'Jackson' you'll love this:

Hey Fly,

I have noticed a flocking of internets retards to your site recently, why not make it a pay site, with a VERY low pay rate per year, like $10 or something, that would at least filter out the retards that don't even merit a mention, but ya know what and who I am talking about. I am of the opinion that when too many ppl know about somthing, it tends to get fucked, and after watching you for hmmm maybe 1.5-2 yrs? (back when you where talkin shit with that other pussy trader pal of yours about RACK and MRVL) I worry that now too many ppl now about you to make it work. Anyways, while chuggin a monster green with some vodka, I am askin what you think about EQIX convertible shit...last stock I was in with a convert-able made me hate any stock with convertables since it gives the pipes a free, easy short (ala MVIS circa 2005-06 ). Sure with MVIS this is now blowing up in the pipes faces, but for tha majority of times it seems that covertable offering means to scum puchers and coke sniffers that: lend money = risk free shorting = easy double or more, practically guaranteed. So what do you think about the convertable (not car, sorry for the spelling - its's the vodka)

Nah, I'll keep this site for free. I don't want to benefit, monetarily (with the exception of Adsense), from fucktards off the internets.

I have too much pride, than to except a single red cent from people with iq's 50 points lower than my own.

However, I appreciate the suggestion and will try to filter out the meat loaf throwers.

If I had my way, I'd make sure they would get electrocuted, everytime they visited my blog.
apologies for the poor English btw, but what are your professional thoughts on convertibels in general, or specifically related to EQIX?
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