Monday, April 30, 2007


Late Day Thought

The Soprano's is the most over-hyped show, in the history of television.

ADGO.ob. Tick Tock.
I can't even watch the shit they're shoveling anymore. I can barely remember how great the first 3 seasons of The Sopranos were since the new episodes are such shit. It's like watching fucking General Hospital with guns.
THE SOPRANOS are old news and the script sucks a hard one nowadays.
TV sucks. The media has conditioned (programmed) the average Joe into accepting the crap on TV as good entertainment. Studies have shown that many a trailer park-dwelling loser will, without exception, sit mindlessly on the couch, drink a beer and scratch his ass raw whenever an episode of the Sopranos is on. What do you call that!? The networks call it TV "programming" whilst laughing their asses off all the way to the bank. Bitches.
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