Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Mims: This Is Why Im Hot

No time for CC's. Too fucking busy counting my money.

That should be your theme song.
That song is fucking garbage. That bitch needs to take a creative writing class, or at least a grammar lesson.
apple on fire...
Baller! No other word to describe you.

You're like MJ in his early days.
Thanks, Super Fly! Much appreciated.
Thank you, Fly!
Fly, if I may speak for all your loyal i-net fucktards--we wish to thank you for your wonderful hilarity and hijinks and insane accuracy with your precision picks. Thank you.
-Zombie (a loyal internet fucktard)
apple and my big dicked gains...thank you...
Broker A,
How does you see BWLD earnings?
Thanks (tu eres en fuego)
Thanks for KEX Fly, they blew away the numbers
the market surges, FFIV pops 10 points AH, and EQIX sucks donkey balls all day...just my luck!
After watching this:

I"m loading up on DIVX tomorrow.

You can't get the same experience on YouTube. Also, notice the marketing campaign for DIVX for Windows. DIVX is going to get LBO'd.
"It's not so much that I win . . . everybody else must lose . . . "
After tonight I will only tune into cnbc to watch fast money. The only decent show on that station. I am disgusted after seeing This crap "The Millionaire Inside.
fuck cnbc and the worthless dribble they spew on that damn shitty channel......
Listen I watch non-stop porn encoded in DIVX. I also watch 300 once per week to get me motivated to come duke it out with Fly on this fucktarded site about ideas such as MPEL (he hasn't caught on yet). I suggest that you idiots buy DIVX hand over fist at 21. Fly trades for a living but I do shit like DivX for a living (actually computer security but what the fuck we all watch pR0n) and I can tell you everyone I talk to watches shit in DivX or XviD. I actually just bought a fucking D-Link DSM-520 this weekend and it fucking uses DivX (it's the shit and fuck the iTV) and I can tell you that the shit is gonna be big. Imagine all the movies you watch at the theater encoded in DivX for your downloading pleasure via Blockbuster or some shit while you are fucking fat ass Beatty on the couch. This is the shit DivX is good for. Think about it, who wants to go to the movies and listen to the fucking kids throwing shit at the screen when you could watch your new PicoP 70 inch projection on your wall while eating your 2 Nutrisystem servings (since your a fat fuck and want to appease your wife) and drinking a big ass Monster or Hansen Root Beer.
Hansen doesn't make root beer-- douche.

However, you are dead right on DIVX, despite Ducati's $1.36 price target.
I will have you know fucker that they do and as of tomorrow I will post a picture of the root beer that I have in hand and you will bow to my feet you Persian warrior. No fuck that I don't feel like waiting until tomorrow, I have had a few margaritas, thanks to the results in NTRI, tonight and I feel like slapping you down and kicking you into the pit like the Persian you are right now! Apologize or I will be forced to throw a massive amount of internets javelins your way!

Honestly I enjoy this shit so much, just gotta say that, thanks for such a good site.
Hey Gapping--

Did you garnish your margaritas with fucking pink umbrella's and salt?

Fuckin faggot.

Man up and drink shots of bourbon--with a beer chaser.

Also, diet root beer doesn't count.

Other than that, good to hear from you.
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