Monday, April 09, 2007


Polls Close at 12am, NYC Time

So far, the one who calls himself "Breakfast Taco" is winning by a landslide. Barring an event that will piss me off and fire him, "BT" will be slaving over his filthy computer, in order to blog here, next weekend.

In other news, DIVX has fucking "moonshotted," up $4 in after hours. I'm fucking rich-er.

Also, so many of you fuckers have clicked on my Adsense ads, I have made a record $25 today. On this pace, I will be able to quit my day job, and become a full time blogging idiot.


Is it possible that the "Fly" who never leaves his Staten Island sanctuary is one in the same as the revered "Taco"?

It would be far more interesting to my feeble mind to learn more of what is behind Broker A's astute stock picking skill than the stock 101 we had this last weekend...
The Fly often leaves his "Staten Island sanctuary."

Also, I assure you, Taco is his own man. I am not crazy enough, yet, to make up alternate characters.

Finally, I have the secret to successful stock picking. However, I will NEVER teach fuckers from the internets. Fuck that, I'll never teach anyone.

Maybe when I'm dead, I'll leave the secret ingredients for you fuckers to read.

But, by then, you will probably be dead yourself, since I am much younger than all you old fart knockers.

I know you don't fuck with idiots on the internets, but I would like to ask if you would be so kind to enlighten me on your recent buy in MCEL.

Is it a quick trade or are you building a position?
quick trade off the unmanned aircraft deal.

Dice roll.
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