Thursday, April 12, 2007


Sector Spotlight: Energy

That's it, I've had enough. Steve Jobs' face is back on the dart board. That fucker is really starting to annoy me, with his stock going down so much--so quickly. However, trust me when I say, I will never capitulate. Ever!

I'll wait for this iphone crap to come out, rip the populace off with a $500 price tag, then laugh all the way to the bank.

Aside from AAPL, I want to destroy RIMM's NYC location (if there is one?). I am long the stock from $50, but so what-- who cares? These RIMM fuckers are destroying me today. So, I want to destroy them. It really is that simple. Caveman tactics.

Also, I am hearing all sorts of fun stuff about ARWR. Keep it on your radar, chart chompers.

Finally, I am going to take a nap. This two day market decline has me in a very bad mood. Frankly, I am not even up to throwing stuff (bottles, snacks, oatmeal bowls, empty Monster cans, frozen Monster cans, darts, etc) at my trader/servant.

I fucking admit it-- the market is going lower. There I said it. Go play with some oil stocks.

NOTE: I find it somewhat fucktarded that I "spotlight" sectors, without even fucking talking about them. I just noticed. I do this shit all the time. I must be some sort of asshat for creating posts, such as this one.


Maybe Ducati's time has come.

I know one thing. If the market goes green today, the punks will come out of the woodwork to bust your balls.
It's fuckin lame that the only guy buying this market is running a blog called 'Get Short.' If I wasn't so successful in the market you jackoffs would have me worried. Grow a pair, all of you!
Steve Jobs announces to the world a golly gee whiz phone that does everything, including wipe your ass and wash out your oatmeal bowls, but says it won't be on the market for six months. I'm sure MOT, NOK, Samsung, and every other buttfucking handset maker is just sitting around eating giant bowls of oatmeal all day and will not use the "heads up" he gave them to develop a competing product.

Sharpen the points on the darts.
Looks like the iphone will be more like two grand to start with, I might be wrong, but if that's the case, it is probably not going to fly the way the street expects...

I teach college. Iphone will be dead on arrival among students if this is true.

Your other picks are great. I'm short aapl @95 so my comments are obviously jaded and I'm prepared to blow past 100 before things get ugly.

one of us will be axepoled, no doubt.
what class do you teach, dunce-ed 101? look here's my reality. Everyone of those rich preppy kids I know needs to have the latest gadget. You have no idea, living in kickapoo, michigan, what people want. This is not only the greatest ipod, but also a phone. This is old news, but maybe you should watch this again.
Yes, I teach Dunce-ed 101. I teach my students how to find idiots on the other side of the trade. Closed out 3000 shares this morning, holding tight with 1500. Keep watching the video, Danny, everything will be all right.
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