Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Sector Spotlight: Gold

I'll have you know, I have an important fucking meeting to attend tomorrow. Because of this, I had to shave my newly cropped beard and get my hair trimmed. Additionally, I will be running a variety of errands today, in order to prepare for this big fucking meeting.

As you can see, "The Fly" is not fond of big important meetings. I prefer to stay in my cave and print money, while throwing left over paver's at my lazy trader/servant.

More on this later.

So far, MVIS is stomping mudholes in the shorts, up another 7%. Ha Ha!

I told you goat fuckers to go long, and some of you did. Good for you.

Just know this: The run is not over, not even close. If you are patient, this puppy will print $7-8. At that point, I will be so fucking rich; I might buy a few fucking cows, in order to kill them and produce some fresh rib eyes. However, I am not sure how my neighbor's will feel about my cow eating their front lawn. I'll tell them to "fuck off" and to enjoy the free landscaping, maybe.

Also, I see Gold and Silver gapping higher. Right now, GROW and SA are on fire. However, I'd sell any overweight Gold position, right now. Gold is too high and will fall.

Finally, I like the market here and will deploy new money on dips. Into momentum, I will add to my GD, GMXR and ITRI positions.

Being up 15%+, with 3 quarters left, is a great position to be in. I intend on keeping my gains and protecting them, if needed.

buy some ady, stop fronting.
GOOD GOD!!! How about a spotlight on gasoline this morning. This is fucking nuts! By the way go MVIS!
ADY, should have bought more yesterday, well back to MVIS>
Fly, I just wanted to give you some scoop that I went to the BWLD out here in Sugar Land, TX... it's brand spankin new, it was unbelievably packed. I have lived in Sugar Land for 25+ years and there has always been a demand for a sports bar like BW3s out here because there is so much fucking money floating around in this town.
I love the rich fuckers from Sugar Land.
Have some balls, go as you are!
well bought at 18.20 and 18.05 and sold at 18.40. Pretty easy trade there with ADY but that stock is fuckin boring. Coulda traded FSLR a lot quicker lol
Did you see the three Iranian military goons getting medals? They look like they ate too many wings at BFWLD and then forgot to shave and sleep for three days.
Yeah I saw those fat BWLD eating fucks. I think they could burn some extra calories jerking off to a chart of MVIS.
Wow look at the demand for MVISW. Bid is over the ask.
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Josh I expect to fuck Gisele Bundchen this week too.

Broker your fucking message boards are turning into Yahoo fuck fests all of the sudden.
Gold is for fucking goat herders
Yeah it looks like I read wrong that's 4.25 Canadian. Still there is nothing wrong with fucking goats. It's one way to make a living.
Maybe Broker should take out the comments section and add a chatroom so that all internet asshats can let the crap fly.
If he does that, I will commit hari-kari on the $6,000 bear skin rug he keeps in his living room, staining it irreparably.
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