Sunday, April 08, 2007


Thank You Grandpa, Now Pray for Votes

I want to thank Breakfast Taco (this weekends guest blogger) for his weekend story and uber pump of MVIS. Being long the stock, I am pleased with his work and look forward to finding out if he is aware of any other publicly traded companies.

I don't know this Breakfast Taco guy, but I suspect he is long MVIS. What do you think?

In closing, I am opening the polls for a vote. If you feel he should be "shitcanned," now is your chance to voice an opinion.

NOTE: Go vote asshats.

NOTE II: Below is video footage of my sales manager interviewing a weekend blogger applicant. It's not an easy gig to retain. I have high fucking standards, you know.

Good Morning all you Fat Fuckers. I hope everyone plans on mixing in a salad or two this week. Broker whats lookin good this morning? Any Blue Chips?
I got your salad right here...
Fly, Why no insider buying on MVIS? I'd expect Tokman and company to be loading the boat.
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