Friday, April 06, 2007


Tokman or Bust

I don't think Tokman really knew what a shit storm he was stepping into. He could never have imagined the level of incompetence permeating MVIS. After hearing from Tokman and many disgruntled shareholders on just how miserable R.R. and team were performing, the board did to Rutkowski what many of you are wanting to do to me, fuck you, you are fired.

Once he removed the noose from R.R.'s corporate corpse, he went to work on the executive team and out went the rest of the morons. Rumor has it they are now selling break pads for Callahan Auto Parts. He also started revamping the entire worthless board. Then he convinced 3 more smart fuckers from G.E. to come to MVIS. Tokman, Brown, and Madvahan are all Six Sigma black belts. Not wax on wax off black belts you Alabama lottery hopefuls. Six Sigma is a manufacturing and business discipline that settles for nothing less than perfection. One thing MVIS did have was very talented engineers but they were never able to focus. Rutkowski had 60 engineers working on 40 different projects. Tokman brought that down to four projects all based on the same disruptive technology platform, the integrated photonics module(IPM). The four priorities were embedded PicoP, accessory PicoP, Automotive HUD and the holy grail of full color, daylight readable, see through eye wear in a very cool form factor.

Tokman had to change the entire culture of the company. When he showed up, the place had the morale of a dinner party with Eva and Adolph in April of 1945. He had to make people get used to being held accountable and he had to wipe away years of bad reputation as a company that couldn't do shit. Most importantly he had to get light sources. Why don't you dickweeds put your nose to your television and tell me the color of the 3 pixels you see. That's right, red, blue, and green get you full color. Not many green lasers floating around. A company called Novalux had been working on green lasers for laser t.v. so MVIS paid them some cash to help them with the PicoP project. Tokman wanted more and he wanted it faster. Rumor has it he walked into Corning, also working on laser t.v., and laid out the business case. Corning sent a team of engineers and the rest is history. In a short eleven months MVIS went to CES with the thin mint sized, full color, infinite focus, fucking outrageous projector. They were not there with just one but three units powered by both Novalux and Corning. The industry was set on notice, this ain't your daddy's MVIS.

In a gross over simplification it took old management 8 years to get this,

It took Tokman and team 11 months to get from there to here,

The next post will clue you in on how Tokman and his team, with some brilliant help from MDB and a little luck, reconstructed the finances of this company and turned the tables on the scum pipe debt holders. This string of events set the stage for what you saw this week. Make no mistake about for MVIS it was truly a case of Tokman or bust. Below is some hidden camera footage of old management making a sales call for their new employer.

I must say, Breakfast Taco is growing on me.

Lines such as: "When he showed up, the place had the morale of a dinner party with Eva and Adolph in April of 1945," are worth the nothing I fucking pay him to slave over his filthy computer-- giving the internets a full history of MVIS.
Fly "you are fired" I love the smell of napalm in the morning!
Kidding! Very good job so far!
B. Taco is on! Good shit slingin' from Taco today.
I don't see how any of this is going to make people money.
Great posts. Here's a comment-level vote of confidence for El Taco.

You had to learn some history here to see why there are so many doubters and what Tokman is capable of doing. There is a reason why the stock is this cheap relative to the potential. As you can see by the action this week, the potential is being recognized because Tokman regained the credibility MVIS lacked and time is running out to buy shares at this level. The next post will give you some more of how we got here then to the future.
Break Taco, I can't believe you name dropped Bulah Balbricker. That's something kid chump or that amateur woodshed would never have brought to the table. I bet all the stodgy grandfather fucks on this thing forgot about Porky's. It may have been made 4 years before I was born, but I know that shit, way to represent.
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