Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Citi Research

In an effort to help educate the internet, "The Fly" has decided to share one of the many research reports that make it to his circular file.

Click here to download Citi's general market overview.

I'm afraid to download it.

Surely it's an "internet laser beam"...

Nice FLy. Thanks again fuckboy.
No, it is an SEC trojan.
I wouldn't download it. It is probably loaded with spyware so the Fly will know what our holdings and trades are so that he can take the other side of the trade.
ok, I'll fill you in: Citigroup says the US economy is in great shape and the only economies in the world doing better than the US are all the other ones. The housing crisis should be over by lunchtime tomorrow. Bonds suck, stocks rule. Risk areas are pretty much limited to the Darfur Economic Investment Zone and the Green Zone. All the other Zones deserve your cash, cause there's too much damn cash everywhere. They're tired of looking at the damn stuff...
... and Citigroup says you should short more AMZN, too, just in case they're wrong... ;)
Quick question. Would you short TSO at 125? Look at the run that fucker has been on with crack spreads way high. Seems like the best has been priced into earnings.
TSO also has a split coming .....adding fuel to the crack rally.
is this a crack rally? or a rally on crack?
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