Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Closing Comments

I have decided to initiate a few shorts, in names that I hate and hope destruction/mayhem.

In light of the stalled NASDAQ, I feel it makes sense to start betting against the consumer. However, I do not dare go against the rich consumer; she will shop until her husband is bankrupt.

No, I will bet against the store with the ugliest clothes in all the Universe. That store is CWTR.

After seeing LTD warn, something clicked in "The Fly's" massive brain and told him to "go short CWTR," because they fucking suck.

If CWTR doesn't float your Cadillac, take a look at CHS. They suck too.

As for today's trading:

The Semiconductors led the NASDAQ lower. Frankly, I do not like the action in many of the high growth names-- and feel somewhat exposed to the "bear hammer."

In short, I have a 13% cash position and no shorts. Over the next several days, I will start selling my dogs, in an effort to raise more cash. At the same time, I will initiate shorts, in stocks I want dead.

In case you are wondering, "The Fly" has no reservations over leaving you "bull fuckers" at the top of the mountain--to die painfully via bear claw. If I sense weakness, see ya later fuckers.

Sorry, I'm fucked up like that.

In the meantime, I will put my "calculator brain" to work, in an effort to figure out if stocks like NYX are cheap down here-- or a precursor of a pending correction.

Good comments broker, feel the same but don't want to dare get too short here for fear of being steam rolled other than retail.

Another note for you lucky ones. XM Radio is giving one month free credit if you call the Indians and ask for it because O&A are off the radio for 1 month. Yes fucks I am cheap like that and will be making a 100% profit for the month on XM service. Please be polite though or they will frankly tell you to go fuck a camel walking outside their call center.
I've been following NYX for a while, I grabed some at 82 and sold at 92 on the way back down. Now that it is in the 70's I have to wonder if it is good for a trade. Long term, I like it, no questions. Thain knows what he is doing, and once NYX/Euronext proves itself I see 100's again... but short term? GS gave it a downgrade to sell with a target price of $75. So I like 78-ish as an entry, buying in blocks on the way down. What do you guys think?
I think 75 is a bottom for NYX on a historical basis. I think buying now and scaling in is the way to go. I mean your only talking about 6-8% range from here to 75. NYX is very volatile and when the Institutions start buying it takes off very fast. It has a high visibility so it can get going fast. Shorts will make you think they are going bankrupt but well last I looked the NYSE is not going out of business too soon.
Would you suggest looking at QID at this point? Fly's favorite ex-employee, Ducati, posted an interesting article by GS talking about option buying in the market and how usual suspects are buying calls instead of puts on dips. Arrogance at this point?

Broker- Man your cruel cracking on the "FAT MOMS" and their CWTR. I hear elsatic jeans are making a big comeback.

I listen to Wal-Mart- and when they say it sucks-- that probably means the Fat Man is overwhelmed. That does not bode well for middle America. Its Coupon time.

I'm sticking with Dow quality.
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CWTR's chart supports your decision to go short, but betting against the bad taste the American fatmom is risky.

I hold my nose when I walk by the store and avoid all contact with the stock.
The divergence between the Dow and Nas is not good, as evidenced by Fly's willingness to fucking maroon the bulls at the top of Mt. Vesuvius, in a pool of red hot magma.

A quick glance at QID, with almost 4x the 50-day average trading volume tells me there are a few people who don't think too highly of Nas stocks right now. The question is, to what degree will this sentiment spill over to the Dow or S&P 100?
"At the same time, I will initiate shorts, in stocks I want dead."

You used a comma splice in the above sentence, specifically after "shorts."
Timothy, in order for one to create a comma splice, one must join two complete thoughts with only a comma.

Lets try something out. If I walked up to you on a street and said, "In stocks I want dead." what would you say back? You would probably be at a loss for words, as that statement is not a complete thought; hence, no comma splice.
Eh, so I didn't do so well in English 1301. WTF woodshedder, I still wanted to bust Broker's balls a bit.
Sorry tim, couldn't help myself. I understand the want to bust his balls a bit. Next time I'll let you have your fun.

You call yourself an English speaking internet leech?

Next time you come check "The Fly's" sentence structure, bring your fucking "English for Dummies" handbook.

In other news, I am feeling quite confident in CWTR going to $15.
I appreciate the insult. May I ask where you received your degree from?

I don't think you have a college degree, do you?
My bad, but you do drive a drive a Lexus RX330. LMFAO

Hard to pick losers in a bull market...

I'm driving something different now.

Sorry, you may not ask where I bought my degree.

Off to drink some "poor man's beer."
Broker, nice call on BBA douche. Down about 50% since you said it was worth a look, LOL!!
Worth a look doesn't mean buy it.

Besides, maybe I was just trying to lure sub 100 iq'ers, like you, into a bad idea.
I know it was a good no buy. I just felt like raping you. I work for Pottery Barn Kids but why pay those prices when you could go to Target and get the same shit for half price. Here is my tip for all you fagtards. Short AMZN, no brainer I have some July puts.
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