Thursday, May 17, 2007


Closing Comments

Looking at FMCN's numbers, it appears I will be eating my favorite Chinese lobster dish, "The Phoenix"-- minus the "robster," of course.

With MVIS shooting higher, I had a stellar day, up 1.1%. I cannot explain the sudden surge in volume or price. However, I will say, positive chatter is making the rounds. Hopefully, we will get some news soon.

In general, Energy stocks led the market higher, with big spikes in SU, JDO, TXCO, SWN and NGS.

Additionally, the Retailers did well, with gains in JCP, BONT, URBN and CROX.

Also, it's worth noting, the fat moutain bitches at CWTR did well. I will make certain to short more of that pig, tomorrow.

Finally, if you are scared of the market and remain on the sidelines, you are an idiot. The market is practically giving money away, while you sit there, fucktard style, scared to be a man and claim your stake.

Good. More money for assholes like me.

Another great call on FMCN.
You know... they never did find Nostradamamus' remains.
Fuck I missed FMCN. Just fucking great.
Can someone explain to me what the heck is going on with NTRI? Blow out earnings and we are sitting at less than 3% up from the announcement. What's going on? I'm hearing 'accumulation' and 'weak holders' but does anyone know why this stock is anything but a huge BUY?
Hey Broker,
I was wondering what you thought of CHU, especially since you seem to like CN, and they are more into the hard-wired telephone/broadband business. Do you think that China will just completely pass the hard-wire phone systems (like Mexico and AMX) and straight to cell phones/wireless broadband?
CHU good , CN better

NTRI going through a rough patch.

It will be alright.
Broker A: Kinda off topic, but do you still own WGAT? Wondering cause I see it has taking a beating lately. Appreciate your input. TIA

Unfortunately, I still own some.

Undoubtedly, it's a sell.

Financing fell through. Bad things may be on the horizon.

Sorry for the bowser.
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