Thursday, May 24, 2007


Closing Comments

Overall I got poleaxed today, with well deserved losses in BWLD, CN, HANS, RS, CORS and many others. However, I felt good because my trader/servant managed to buy me some cheap MVIS/MVISW-- and help the stock recover much of its losses.

Fuck around and lose your house shorting my MVIS.

Contrary to the MVIS action, my balls were lit on fire by AAPL, GMXR, LNN, FMCN and BBND. But, who cares?

I am far too busy getting ready for my birthday, which will take place sometime this weekend.

I'll have you know, I will be 31 years old and bank more coin than most of you internet fucktards. Naturally, this is possible thanks, in large part, to my "calculator brain."

If you must know, I was down 1.5% today.

Finally, it's worth noting, some of my positions escaped the "bear hammer," specifically NTRI, MCHX, ACLI, NVS, RIMM and NDAQ. Sometimes you get lucky.

Bottom line: I could give two fucks and a gay donkey about this market. Get back to me next week for more "insightful" commentary. Tomorrow will be a snoozer.

NOTE: Whoever wants to weekend blog, email me. I'll "hire" anyone, no matter how old and stupid you may be.

Fly, you can be a real dick sometimes, but at least when you fuck up you can man up, admit your mistakes, and take your losses with dignity.

I have to tell you about 30. Things are going to change. You will begin to drag ass, and trust me, your days of staying up late into the night are going to slowly come to an end. Mark my words, and get back to me in a few years.

Other than that, enjoy being young and rich.
Happy birthday
Happy birthday fly. May you live 1000 year to blog on the internets for us illegal mexicans.
May you have a happy one and even more successful years to come.
yeah sure only down 1.5% Whatever makes you happy. LOL
Oh my bad 1.5% on your paper trades gotch ya! Good job LOL
on rates - sure the fed will stand pat all year. not the issue. with fed funds at 5.25 and the economy looking hunky dory as far as the eye can see, and companies drooling to invest in rest-of-world, and buyout folks lined up with about $3 trillion in ideas, there's just no reason for bankers to give money away for near-free like they have been.

10 yr to 6%. The yield curve needs a curve.

The corollary effects on buyouts and equities are regrettable, but incidental.
Hope you have a great Birthday this weekend! When you are getting forced to down an "Alabama Slamma", just don't do it..!
happy b-day
Happy Birthday!

Thirtyonederful is a great year!
Happy Birthday, Fly! Can't believe someone with your knowledge of the markets and experience is only 30. Impressive. Keep up the great work, Sir.
-Zombie, loyal I-net fucktard
Happy B-day, Broker A! And thanks for keeping things interesting.
happy birthday a, but your arrogance will catch up to you soon enough.
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