Friday, May 25, 2007


Closing Comments

Once again, I had a big day, up 1.6%-- thanks to MVIS, RIMM, NTRI, AAPL, FMCN and a variety of other great stocks.

Since it's my birthday, I don't have time to fuck around with you internet fucktards, today. Instead, "The Fly" will head over to his local Costco and buy all the available red meat, in order to prepare for his monster bbq party, tomorrow.

As you know, "The Fly" will be ridiculously inebriated. Moreover, he will be serving up many 2.5 inch thick rib eyes-- heavily salted and lightly peppered. Beer and hard liquor will be abundant. However, there will be no "chick drinks," such as cosmopolitans, martini's or pina colada's. The choice will be beer or fucking shots or nothing.

Regarding this retarded blog, I believe "Cruxmonger" will be guest blogging-- this weekend. I look forward to reading then firing him, sometime Monday evening.

Finally, I want to take this opportunity to rub in the fact that I am up 31%, year to date, while other internet fucktards "trade" for peanut shells and stale beer.


Happy Birthday old fella..
Have a nice birthday. You're one year closer to being fat, old and stupid. Just think, in a couple of years young bucks like Danny and I will be kicking your old ass, face first, down long flights of stairs! I have no idea what to write about this weekend, but who fucking cares. It's a holiday.
Happy Birthday Broker.
Hope you have a super weekend. Thanks for the insight and entertainment.
crux- let me know if you get stuck. I've got some ideas.
happy birthday asstard :0
happy birthday man!
This crux guy is too funny. Are you sure he's not Fly II? Looking forward to the shit.
Thanks for the offer, Woodshedder, but I think I should be able to figure something out.
"martini's or pina colada's"?

martinis or pina coladas. You're the fucktard. Learn how to use apostrophes correctly.
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