Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Emergency Asshat Award: Eric "the oil barrel" Bolling

As I watched CNBC's "Fast Money" last night, I nearly choked on the potato chip I was eating, when Eric "the oil Barrel" Bolling recommended to his viewers to sell short GOOG-- because he fucking dreamed it was down 70 points.
Come on. Upon hearing this "asshattery," I knew GOOG would fucking ramp-- immediately. Look at the stock, asshat, it's up 9 bucks.
To make matters worse, "oil barrel" exclaimed: one of his buddies had a dream about GOOG being down big too. Which, in his head, fortified his newly founded bearish position on the stock.
I must say, of all the fucktarded things I've encountered on Wall Street, this tops them all.
This man must be eating hallucinatory mushrooms, prior to having such asshat dreams.
In short, making recommendation to millions of CNBC-tards, based upon a dream, gets an immediate "Emergency Asshat Award."
UPDATE: GOOG now up $12.
UPDATE II: GOOG now up $14.
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I bought many stocks several years ago when they appeared in my dreams. It didn't turn out well. They were WorldCom, HealthSouth,Enron,Lucent, and Etoys.
Wow, that's amazing! you were eating a potato chip? Thought it would have been a chicken wing instead.
If the guy trades based on what comes to him in a dream, Leonard the Wonder Monkey should resign from stock picking and move to the oil pits.
Hopefully, Eric "Asshat" Bolling will get tonight's trade recommendation from a psychic who read his palm this afternoon.
Hopefully, Eric "Asshat" Bolling will get tonight's trade recommendation from a psychic who read his palm this afternoon.
It would be difficult to read his palm since he keeps it fairly occupied. I loved his reply regarding his weight loss pick - water.
Rumor has it that a large order of clothing was ordered by a number of women in the Transylvania section of Romania. It has now been shipped and will count towards this quarters income for CWTR.
To say something like that on TV is just so fucking lame.
True story: I was looking at charts before bed and the one for LTS came to me in a dream. I watched it closely for a week and ended up catching a fast double. It was my best trade of 2006. Dreams can come true!
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True story: I was looking at charts before bed and the one for LTS came to me in a dream. I watched it closely for a week and ended up catching a fast double. It was my best trade of 2006. Dreams can come true!
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