Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Alert: Midnight Oatmeal

I'll have you know, I just consumed a punishing amount of oatmeal, brown sugar, milk, no cinnamon.

If this cannot help lift my positions, nothing will.

My money is on the fucking oats.

By the way, read this OVTI press release from 2001 and let me know if it resonates. During October of 2001, OVTI hit a low of $1.17, then after getting their camera technology into cellphones, the stock lifted to a high of $33-- just two years later.

I'll cheers to that, got my oat soda in hand.

Stella never steers ya wrong.

And maybe a "Whoooooooa Bundy" wouldn't hurt either
My girlfriend just had surgery, and the only thing she wants to eat is oatmeal.

We are moving higher tomorrow!!!
Wish her well.
Late night drive tonight?
Coming from a Quaker background, I can attest to the magical power of oatmeal. All who bet againt Fly will be scapled alive.

Plus, with the addition of brown sugar, you can expect more big dicked gains in HOKU tomorrow.
i tried an iphone last night. long story, suffice that a friend is a reporter.

simply, it sucks. it LOOKS cool. some functions are cool, like scrolling. but it has a bad virtual keyboard, cant IM on it, and too many steps to launch function (i counted six to make an outgoing call). battery is dreadful.
You should have taken that fucker apart and seen who makes some of the components inside and invested in them. The thing will sell. I agree its over hyped, like the Razor was, everyone that I knew that had a Razor returned it because it was too frustrating. But, as I said, it will sell, they do a good job advertising. It is almost like they tell the public, "you are an idiot if you don't buy this phone", kids, parents, and consumers listen.
you are prob right. I think it will fizzle, and they will have a 2.0 on its heels. the original will be outdated soon.
The long term chart on OVTI also shows a rise to $3.10 from the $1.15 low, before the stock cratered again down to the low $1s before climbing to $30+.

Careful traders might make a buck here or there on MVIS volatility, but there are going to be a lot of pissed off $5 sellers when this thing hits $10... $15... $30... do I hear a $300?
It takes some stones to hold. Just think if you would have bought HANS, TSO, FTO, AAPL at really low prices, and you made 100% or even 200% on your money then watched it tank down 50% so you sell, it's scary shit. However, if you would have just held through all of the bullshit and not sold, you could have made a killing with a ten bagger plus.

Problem is psychological. Some folks want a straight line and can't handle it when the market (predictably) doesn't operate that way.
Going to be a good MVIS day. Those fucktard shorts will suffer today. And even more tomorrow after FOMC when the market shoots up. Thanks in advance Fly! Discl: long 4.68
Agreed. On shitty days, I set all my charts to a weekly setting. Try it, it doesn't piss you off as much. MVIS still looks very nice on a weekly.
The Apple car phone...I mean Apple smart phone errr--IPHONE. I hope you guys book profit.

I say all MP3/Carphones are all disposable shit. And name 1 good carrier. I'm betting on the cluster fuck of the century. $60 data connection-please. And lastly if I see another ad for that stupid looking finger doing the "screen scroll" I'm going to.......
Milk and Cinnamon will give most people indigestion - so if you have it - don't think it's the price of MVIS - Change sugar to Maple Syrup for a better taste - THEN

Well, I have given you enough secret
However, I purchased my first lot of MVIS - 10K shares this morning @$4.48

Now look fly - I am saving your life by adjusting your look at Oatmeal.

If my MVIS does well, I'll tell you some other secrets to help you feel better. Milk is for babies
adults have problems with metabolizing it.
Mvis bottom should be around 4.42.. 25% dilution from warrants gets you a 25% correction from highs of 5.90.. mkt always overshoots though... but im a supporter there..
picop, what a stupid application, is this what you guys are seriously cheerleading?, too funny!
(relatively) long-term trend line comes into play on MVIS @ $4.20 vicinity
You guys seen the action on IOC so far? Fucking ridiculous, down another 20%
Come over to my place to look at the MVIS chart.
I'll put my balls on the line and say the bottom in MVIS is in. Nothing like a nice round number to come in as support.
All aboard MVIS! Got my 4.50 support bounce. Good times gonna roll!
Just in case, how could one collect on those balls and have they been appraised recently?
i wanna see some heads roll in the mvis shorting game. this has got me awful pissed. haven't sold anything, and no plans to.
fucktard, fuckoff, you have no balls to appraise so stfu.
Fucktard- there will be no physical collecting. Feel free to punish me unmercifully by republishing my stupid calls over at my place, fly's place, whatever.

As for appraised value, they have spawned children easily (rather too easily) and I've never had any complaints. However, one could surmise that their present value may be similar to that of my MVIS position, or about 28K
wdking--wait until I give a photo presentation with my iphone on the back of one of my assistants white T-shirts-- You won't be laughing then.
I know a few big players who are dumping 20k shares at a time to reduce portfolio risk. I'm afraid to say it but I see $3.50 as the next logical stop. I dumped my shares above $5.40 for a full disclosure.
I could be wrong shed, but I think your balls are worth the present value of all future cash flows.
You in denial or just a little slow.
I'm slow. Or maybe patient is the correct term.
I remember talking to punk kids like yourself when they sold the "top" on VLO a few years back after it took a 40% hit, it has since moved 150%+ in the green. I still own it.
Schadenfreude m'fer.

Danny, I don't know if I can walk around with balls that big.
Gosh, my knees are shaking, I'm getting the squirts, my stomach is tied in knots...

Please mister anonymous hedgefundie, please I'm so frightened you're gonna get my balls....
fuck off, piker.
shed- bow your legs and learn to walk again, this time allowing your manly gait to accentuate the balls, like, "hey, I'm obviously walking this way because my balls are huge."

total respec
actionfluke said...

I know a few big players who are dumping 20k shares at a time to reduce portfolio risk. I'm afraid to say it but I see $3.50 as the next logical stop. I dumped my shares above $5.40 for a full disclosure.

Obviously, you are short - probably just short today - if you know the mechanics of this stock (MVIS) you know what you say is
"stupid" there are other words but this seems to fit in my mind.

from the heart
Danny, you pick up a newspaper yet? It will help you avoid future pwnage the likes of which can be found in the comments below. You can even find news on the internets!
Well, shorty, I have put in a limit order for MVIS at 4.48 for 10K shares - I bought 10K this am at that price and after reading your "big action" I was sure I was right. Remember on the other side of every trade is someone who wins as you lose. I doubt I'll get my 4.48.
MVIS will go up big by end of year, make no mistake boyz.
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sooooooooooorry. how 'bout a link or something next time fruit salad.

my bust for not keeping up on totally important financial "newz," indeed, where have I been.
Whoa, manned up. I'm gonna buy some VLCM now. For all intents and purposes, your ride is still sweet.
Who's yer mtha-f'ing daddy, you bunch of sorry pikers!
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