Friday, June 22, 2007


Asshat of the Week Award: LNN Shorts

Seriously, why would anyone short a company that makes irrigation systems, as commodity prices shoot through the roof and fresh water supplies, worldwide, dwindle?

Answer: Because they're fucking asshats.

For the first time in "Fly history," I am awarding the "Asshat of the Week Award" to an entire group of investors, LNN shorts. 28% of LNN's float is sold short.

After a mind boggling 15 point run, in two weeks, they have earned it.

NOTE: Bearshitter was runner up with his HANS pan. Oh, and Guy "toast my face" Adami did a shitty job defending the HANS story yesterday, on national television. He came in third place.

Ducati specifically was short LNN. Are you buying more ARWR on this dip?
Very nice Fly. Lets see if Blackstone can close below its IPO today. The ChiComs deserve it.
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