Sunday, June 24, 2007


Drunken Joyride= Elections Are Back

Seriously, I think Danny has a lot of potential, as a writer and investor. However, going on joyrides with drunken friends, in order to "kill time," while waiting for the fucking tow truck, is utterly and unanimously fucktarded.

Plus anyway, I'm bored.

So without further adieu, I give you (internet jackass) elections.

If you would like to keep Danny and his 3 wheeled car on board, vote "no" to shitcanning. On the other hand, if you would like to defend Mother's Against Drunk Drivers, vote "yes" to shitcanning (a moral dilemma, indeed).

I wasn't drunk actually, but I sure wish I was--might have made the night's events more justifiable. But fair's fair I suppose.
In hindsight, fly is correct, leaving my beautiful car on the side of a freeway is deserving of a firing.
But 15 mins?!? That is lame no matter how you slice it.
broker if you fire Danny I will rename this weblog "Douchebag on Wallstreet"
well, that is appreciated jeremy, but remember YOU GUYS vote, not broker. he just reserves the right to cancel the vote midstream, or change its direction; two things most are unable to do midstream. Fly, however, commands ultimate power.
I have to lobby for Danny here. You can't fire a guy that is that funny. I never read his blog before tonight.

Submitted for your approval:

"I get second crack at what I anticipate to be a gross beefy slice. See, my theory is, hot women don't pick up guys on the Internet...because they're hot."

Is funny no?
ah man, peruse, peruse, it is filled with valuable insights
Fist of all:

If Jeremy were within 5 miles of me, I'd have my General Contractor (Frank) bulldoze his fucking house, while he's asleep.

Secondly, the voting is up to you. I'm a mere servant of the internets.

Back to research.
they won't know what they're getting rid of, but so far, so good.

what's the play on a record number of women getting married 7-7-07?
I don't have one because I will be photographing a wedding.
here's a goodun.

(20 mins long though)
beware of the New Zealand voting block. They're a bunch of assholes.
So I guess I actually did have one. I made the couple pay a premium for the date. I learned that one from Broker's contractor.
I hereby preemptively charge ducati with treason and electoral tampering.
i think ducati is out on the farmyard sodomizing the goats as we speak.
natgas stocks are going to get crushed on Monday.
Thanks a lot guys. I can't sleep now that this election for Danny is on the table.

While Danny is intelligent, witty, knowledgeable and generally fucking funny, abandoning his beemer for 15 minutes at the risk of being chopped is the antithesis of maintaining responsible, and generally fucking wise conduct.

This is a conundrum....I abstain from voting.
believe me, an $1800 dent makes you feel like a cunt no matter how many shares of MVIS you own.
This weekend was about exciting as playing sudoku at the barbershop.

Danny,I'm not mad or upset with you about the lack of content this weekend--disappointed yes. However I do realize that we all have car trouble from time to time and therefore I suggest that we just put this weekends incident in your personal file and move on.

Broker firing Danny on the week the iphone releases would definitely be bad "karma".
Keep Danny Boy, even if he's too inexperienced to leave a BMW on the highway without armed guards.
last week of June...Fly says an announcement should be here by June 30th, but most on the Yahoo boards think "by the end of summer"...two very different times, who will be right? my money is on the fly
MVIS getting totally shit canned..
MVIS stops got stolen.

I have a feeling its going to keep trading like this until the contract announcement.

Longs are anxious to book profits, shorts are anxious to GET a profit, and newcomers are anxious to establish a position before the announcement.
think we will get one before the announcement

(not douche jeremy)
If mvis keeps trading around this level till the announcement, assuming it's a couple weeks away, do you guys think the Dec 5 calls would start trading down more? I sold my shares first thing this morning and bought my first lot of calls, I'm just trying to decide whether to buy the rest now or wait it out a while....just don't wanna get left in the dust if the announcement comes sonner!
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volume on MVIS is nuts today, certainly enough shares for anyone to buy.
ALVR, TXCC, CPST all look good currently.
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