Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Fly Buy: HANS

I bought 2,000 HANS @ $39.80.

Disclaimer: If you buy HANS because of this post, immediately after your next car wash, seagulls will drop a few loads on your windshield. And, you may lose money.


I like your chutzpa today. Here's something you might relate to as a bull.

(Bulls vs. Bears: just like shooting fish in a barrel)
Fucktards and asshats alike are mushroom clouding my poor AAPL. This is war!
I feel like Tony Montana at the end of "Scarface." Swiss cheesed.
Fly, no plans to attend the shareholder meeting for MVIS?
Doesn't Apple have a phone coming out soon.

Talk about hype-- I love how they market the phone on the commercials giving the appearance of a 50" screen.

Every Country Club kid will have one.
I heard that ARWR has a cellphone coming out. Part of that diversified nano-research platform.
You may be out of money before the conference playing them options like a true fucker. Nice trade pro.

What's your deal? Seriously.
MVIS annual meeting just got started.
the zombie,

you should be shorting Apple and making some money by folowing price action. It's going down to at least $115. The shorts ran it up really good and now it is pulling back. These sudden drops down is panic being created so shares can be bought for institutions.
When the market corrects, everything just goes black.
NewEq: woo I am down what $1000? Yeah, it's not a pro trade like your $25k loss that was posted a while ago...
I was even when I entered the position unlike your automatic $500 loss to the MM. Why pay to play when you have to give someone that big of an edge is beyond me. Keep trading like that and I guarantee you will go broke. I would be careful trading options like that if I was you and I am just trying to help here broker.
New Equity, I don't sense you are helping by posting, I think if you shut your fucking trap, it would help. Yahoo boards were made for dicks like yourself. The fact that many of your previous posts sound like you are one pissed off fucker tells me you have no money to make in this market and you are losing that cheap bag of cash you already have invested. Chill out juice box.
yeah, shut my fucking trap and watch people throw money at options on a $5 stock . Go fuck a donkey crude.
newequity: God has been in the stock since a buck and change. Why are you bothering?
AMZN GOOG AAPL all getting slapped around after strong starts. RIMM is next.
I hope you boys are done with your pissing contest. It's starting to get old. Can we move on now?
Aren't those stocks Cramer's four horsemen?
From now on, whoever argues on this website will be tracked down and kicked down nearby oil wells.
Hey, I am pretty new to charting and technical analysis, but it appears that this 3mo chart from MVIS doesn't look so hot for the shorts..

Microvision 3 month chart
July 5C on MVIS now ask .50, lmfao.
July 5C on MVIS now ask .50, lmfao.
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