Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Fly Buy: MVIS

I bought 5,000 shares of MVIS @ $4.55.

Disclaimer: If you buy MVIS because of this post, it may cause side effects, such as suicidal thoughts. And, you may lose money.

Indeed - I now see you have very powerful and valuable balls. I'm not worthy, although you already knew that.
Just found your blogsite. Great job fly.
Now, we are off to $6.
I see with the addition of iamabig...that this blog has a wide ranging and diverse readership. Very nice. Fucktard-You should bring this blog to the attention of Hillary Clinton as a fine example of Blog diversity.
Hillary has exemplary record on communicating the need for encouraging and mentoring a more diverse blogshere. In particular those underrepresented blogers like her friend, iamabidcuntlickindyke.
LOL !!!
Fucktard, had to step out an get to the DMV. As I was sitting there, my balls started quaking, and ballooned out several inches. The lady next to me suddenly got up and moved, mentioned something to the security guard, and he just kind of laughed and shook his head.

Yes, when I got my picuture taken, it was hard not to sit on them.

Good times!
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