Friday, June 15, 2007


In Loco Parentis

Ducati, the punishment for blog saber rattling MVIS is the whole investment community shall know of your crap-ass background as an expert in nothing. You have no higher education and are a self-proclaimed "osteopath" (Masseuse) in New Zealand. You don't know dick about America, and your understanding of the world is limited at best. You are like a child who was beat with a wrought-iron stupid stick.

Why the hate? Why the harangue? Because day-after-day, Ducati picks apart MVIS and makes bold aphorisms like those that "intellectual property" can be stolen. Bra-fucking-vo, Dick Tracy. 'Scuse my caps, but, MVIS HAS HAD A TOKMAN AS A CEO FOR JUST OVER A YEAR, LOOKING BACK AT LOSSES INCURRED UNDER THAT DOUCHE RUTGOWSKI MAKES NO SENSE. Oh and all their forward-looking prospects and stuff, but never-mind that. Look, I don't sit in my palatial house and promulgate on the happenings of a Maori buttfuck, and yet, you seem compelled to sit in your hut and talk about BWLD as if you know your dick from your elbow. Shut up. Your pedantic posts reiterate your remote position in the world your sub-par intelligence. No one reads your blog anyway, you geriatric kiwi fruit.

Your fund, "Shenandoah Capital" is not real, and if it is, you oughta be getting redemptions left and right for keeping your clients out of the market. What do you invest in? You are a horrible day-trader, and you hate the stocks that go up. What exactly do you buy? Banks have mortgage exposure, stocks are too expensive, and IP is stolen all the time. Yup, that's it. Who's your risk-guy? Kidstock? Bwa-hahahaha.

What I am interested in, like so many other pundits in my field, is the psychology of it all. I mean, there is a myth behind the man, and this “ducati” requires a more thorough explanation than simply: “faggy kiwi on a vespa.” I believe in Latin that comes out to “Il quom peregrinus gaius vehiculum.”

Perhaps a little color on the background situation of ducati...

Ducati was born Galadriel “Grant” Macdonald on October 29th, 1936, to parents of unknown Gaelic origin, in a tenement house in Cornwall, England. Galadriel was a precocious child, who dreamed of following in his stepfather’s footsteps as a salt miner. His true parents separated after his birth, his mother a Eurasian otter, his father a shifty Grecian sailor.

Primary school was a tough time for Galadriel, who began to call himself Grant, to spare himself the mockery of being named after a woman from middle earth.

Despondent and alone, he decided to move it all to the big city in hopes of a better life. While searching for vintage, color swatches at a festival for anoraks in Southampton, he spotted the woman of his dreams: Beustice Kristin Myliaf, a woman of sizable girth looking for a waifish man to wed.

So, you and your tub moved to New Zealand, probably to escape the very men who remind you of how frugal and lame you are, and now you live a useless life tending to your cats, churning your sour llama butter, and marveling at the nothingness that surrounds you.

I suppose the rest is history, and congratulations are certainly in order for you Ducati.

update: There will be a buyable stock-related article later this weekend for anyone who is concerned that this ducati weekend reading is shit. Keep in mind how right I've been on my last few articles (HANS, AAPL, DIVX premonition), and just get ready.

jesus, who let broker a's little bitch out.

Its amazing how everyone finds the urge to get into pissing contests over stock picks. IF your making money who gives a shit. If somebody makes shitty picks, no one is going to read the shit. You give ducati legitimacy by writing stupid rants about him. I noticed you driving a bmw in that movie(which was decent), did you pay for that little ride trading??

Could you please post some original shit, and stop writing about flys dopeass picks?
first of all cuntloaf, through some putin-esque type power-grab, I work here on the weekends.

Second, I paid for it with my job in HS which was filming professional skateboarders.

"You give ducati legitimacy by writing stupid rants about him"


I said I have a good stock article coming moron. Can't read?
You lecherous sycophant. Do those big words make me cool?
The problem with Ducati is that most people are programmed to accept that what they read is the truth, especially if the rhetoric is eloquent and the writer "seems" intelligent and honest. Ducati consistently posts lies, sweeping generalizations, and his own assumptions, yet he purposefully writes this stuff as if it is fact.

Not including child molesters, I can't think of much worse than a liar.
Lol, son of a woman from middle earth....funny shit!
gitv - grant's real name is galadriel. Galadriel is also the name of a middle earth elf in that one jrr tolkien book. Strange coincidence, I suppose, but the kids royally ripped on him for it, and I imagine a whole host of other reasons. So, he changed it to grant; ask him, not me, as that whole story is true, as reported.

it sounds like at least woodshed appreciated the subtleties and finer points of my ducati humor. Peppered with excessive verbosity, latin phrases, and I tore him a new one. It's like no one wants to read something entertaining these days.

For the love of fucks sake, don't make me post the sex tape, you saw the picture.

funny shit. My favorites are: "promulgate on the happenings of a Maori buttfuck," and "like a child who was beat with a wrought-iron stupid stick." Give this guy as much "legitimacy" as you want, as long as it leads to similar ball busting rants. Keep up the good work, danny.
This place feels like the YHOO msg boards.
what's the link for Ducati's blog?
hey glenn, you're a shitty day trader, shut the fuck up.
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