Monday, June 18, 2007


Late Day Thought

Eric "the oil barrel" Bolling doesn't know shit about BBY.

BBY ripping ahead of earnings.
Thats because his fucking kid told him to buy GME and Dylan rat face thinks his kid is a genius.
LOL - Oil trader giving advice on retail sector.
shut ya trap. why insult others when you probably look like a ugly ass clown.
Lovedikes I have never seen you on this blog before so I am assuming you are new so I will give you a pass. This blog is not about making friends and being nice to everyone so get used to it or you will be bitching non-stop and personally I don't want to hear it and I doubt Broker does either.
Yeah, this blog is all about making enemies, while eating oatmeal.
Yea, fuck all you mother fuckers.
BBY goin' up. MVIS consolidating. And HANS rockin'.

UFO's are here.
"Fuck Off" Lovedikes! Bitch ass ho! Where is my "Strawberry Oatmeal" left over from my kid's "breakfy"?
Semel resigns from YHOO and the market immediately increases YHOO's market cap by $2.6 billion. What a kick to the balls.
Strawberry oatmeal is gay, fyi.

MCHX is a buy off YHOO news.

UFO's are gay.

a solid winner. Looking for 63-65 next 12 mos target...worth much more LT.

acquisition of Jiansu Five Star Appliance gives BBY a footprint in China. Their first China Best Buy in Shanghai is just the start of blow out numbers to come.

almost 20% of their floor space right now is international stores (mostly Canada).

risks: people stop using electronic products; Bolling issues a screaming buy on the stock.
Fly, you think? Obviously, I don't give a rat's ass and will continue to eat that flavor as well as
"Peaches & Cream".
BBY - Fuckers missed
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