Monday, June 11, 2007


Mandatory Soprano's "Review"

I'm just getting this shit out of the way, in order to placate the confused and stupid. I haven't liked the Soprano's since they turned Uncle Junior into a fucking idiot. However, unlike 99% of the country, I liked yesterday's finale.

I know it wasn't "Goodfella-esque." Frankly, if my IQ were reduced by 75 points, I still could have produced a better episode, than David Chase and the asshats who help him write that gay show. No pun intended.

But, I thought the sudden black out, at the end of the show, was very clever. See, while everyone was waiting for Tony to get "machine gunned," or anyone else for that matter, Chase and Co. whacked you-- the audience.

You didn't see it coming and all you saw was nothing. Retarded, yet shrewd.

Tony's convo with bobby on the boat.. " you wouldn't even know it had happened: everything would just go black."

That was brought up again last week, and with all the foot traffic in the diner, assuming he was knocked off wouldn't be a far stretch
That black out was weak shit-- I seriously thought my DVR shot craps.

Watching Phil get it in that gray jogging suit was worth the hour.

I'm going to close my eyes and buy some GRMN
I liked it as well. Smart move by Chase; door is open for Sopranos the Movien. And it is all about the dollars, no? Last few seasons have been torture, much like the belabored storyline around AJ. Phil getting dumped by his crew made sense, what kind of a mob boss yells from a window like a scorned 16 year old? Fuck him.
fly, how much will the share price of mvis drop when the warrants are called?

I think the price will drop to $0.00. Better get out now!
Hey Fly! Got into NRMX at 6.10 and less as suggested few days ago? Above $7 and up 20% + today. No need to tell me fuck you, you already said so. The NRMX summer double train is leaving without you and a bunch of retards. LOL! Climbed above your ARWR at 6.76. The race is on. Good luck!
The sudden black out was a warning for what will happen to MVIS shareholders when the shit hits the fan and warrants are called.
LLNW almost at target buy price.
I fear that when the warrants are called, the new shares will cause dilution....
newequity, are you the same newequity who wrote this comment?
Yeah bitch and if you scroll down you will see I got back in with 200 contracts and made more money in one day than you made all your life. Fuck off small fry and go kiss fly's ass.
I think fly got stuck in a trap or is counting his money.
No, "The Fly" is preparing a Geatine for MVIS shorts.
New Equity,
You are one sorry loser. I should buy a fucking Trailer Park and name it in your honor. You epitimize the definition of "white trash" and would make a nice tennant.
brent, i have no quarrel with you, except for the fact that you can't spell. Guillotine (geatine)is not a vitamin.
Brent is a fucking cheap ass and will not succeed in life. By the way, I own my own trailer park and quite a few chaps named Brent live there. Coincidence, nah I don't think so.
Yes, I meant the vitamin "Geatine" fuck face. The shorts will need all the vitamins they can get. lol. New, please, my parks are 4-5 star and I am already "sucessful". Go back in the hole you climbed out of and clean that "Dirty Sanchez" your girlfriend gave you.
Two words-

You're gay brent.
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