Thursday, June 14, 2007


Method Man: Judgement Day

Something very urgent just came up. Therefore, no cc's today.

However, I will say, Jim "the bow-tied fucker" Rogers is old and stupid. Ignore everything he says. And, I just bought more LNN.

Love this shit.
On 05/23/07, the S&P analyst issued an "AVOID" rating on LNN, downgraded from a "HOLD".

Fly, he may have been passed over earlier, so I would like to nominate him for an asshat award at this time.
fwiw, schwab has LNN as an "F"

but they also have NIHD as "D," MVIS as a "D," NTRI as a "D," well, there are several others.

Fuck Chuck and his fucking ratings.
HANS] Today 08:03pm
Hansen Natural Corp Goldman Sachs Raised HANS from Neutral to Buy, price target: $52.00
HANS to 1000000.
HANS will be big gapper in the am. We will finally break out of this annoying range.
Told you fuckers, over and over and over to go long HANS.

If you failed to listen, fuck off.

"The Fly" will drink a blue Monster tomorrow.

Cheers to Goldman Ball Sach's.
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