Sunday, June 03, 2007
Most Influential Megalomaniacal Weekend Guest Blogger In History
As you can see from the chart below, Fly's popularity has been increasing exponentially. This graph of "visits and pages views" also surely bears some resemblance to the performance of his fund this year.

I am the only person to have posted in June, so as of this writing, all 5,973 of those people are theoretically "my" readers. Using the figure from his most popular month, May, he had 80,476 page visits. That's the relevant measure here, btw, "page visits," not "page views." Ceteris paribus, I effectively contributed to 7.42% of the float of his readership (5,973/80,476). No doubt they were thoroughly enriched.
In examining the picture below, several trends become clear. One, he gets significantly less traffic on the weekend. Understandably so, the markets are closed. But as you can also see from this picture, I am clearly the most widely read weekend blogger in history, so, hat's off to me. Fuck, Sunday is not even close to over yet, there could be others still!

In regards to some kind of "pick," I wanted to do some work on the Russell rebalancing act. I tried a few screens, but was unable to reproduce the screen Jimbalaya used to find his three picks. Although, his picks were also recent IPOs and don't have a years worth of data, something necessary for the screen. I used this PDF of the current Rus2k, and searched for each symbol that came up to make sure it wasn't already a part of the index.
I picked the criteria with the idea that in order to be included this year, it must have been too small last year, and this year's subsequent price appreciation makes it ready for inclusion. I made several variations of the screen, tweaking market cap., one-year return, the number of analysts covering the stock, it's ROE, ROIC, Debt, etc.
I came up with these companies:
USAP: Makes specialty steel products, including stainless steel, tool steel, and other alloyed steels. Steel = automatic acquisition target.
STAN: Standard Parking! This is a stock?! Biggest competitor privately-held Ace parking? Sign me up. Even gay hybrids must be parked.
SPAR: Makes armored cars, capable of carrying Rosie O'Donnell to and from her mid-morning lunch safely. Now that is a strong-ass craft.
I have done, like, negative 3 DD on these companies, they merely fell out of the screen. Seriously. Would you buy any ol' stock your screen shit out, thinking the screener was some kind of fanciful auric goose? Come on. Be real. Actually, come to think of it, Fly may have that goose.
Anyway, the companies selected probably all suck and I hope you don't buy them. Then, I hope that later they do go up, so I can boast about it. And if they go down, well, I told you so.
UPDATE: Just realized STAN is already on the list. D'oh. Knew it was too good to be true. See? Told you no DD, haha. I replace it with FTK.

I am the only person to have posted in June, so as of this writing, all 5,973 of those people are theoretically "my" readers. Using the figure from his most popular month, May, he had 80,476 page visits. That's the relevant measure here, btw, "page visits," not "page views." Ceteris paribus, I effectively contributed to 7.42% of the float of his readership (5,973/80,476). No doubt they were thoroughly enriched.
In examining the picture below, several trends become clear. One, he gets significantly less traffic on the weekend. Understandably so, the markets are closed. But as you can also see from this picture, I am clearly the most widely read weekend blogger in history, so, hat's off to me. Fuck, Sunday is not even close to over yet, there could be others still!

In regards to some kind of "pick," I wanted to do some work on the Russell rebalancing act. I tried a few screens, but was unable to reproduce the screen Jimbalaya used to find his three picks. Although, his picks were also recent IPOs and don't have a years worth of data, something necessary for the screen. I used this PDF of the current Rus2k, and searched for each symbol that came up to make sure it wasn't already a part of the index.
I picked the criteria with the idea that in order to be included this year, it must have been too small last year, and this year's subsequent price appreciation makes it ready for inclusion. I made several variations of the screen, tweaking market cap., one-year return, the number of analysts covering the stock, it's ROE, ROIC, Debt, etc.
I came up with these companies:
USAP: Makes specialty steel products, including stainless steel, tool steel, and other alloyed steels. Steel = automatic acquisition target.
STAN: Standard Parking! This is a stock?! Biggest competitor privately-held Ace parking? Sign me up. Even gay hybrids must be parked.
SPAR: Makes armored cars, capable of carrying Rosie O'Donnell to and from her mid-morning lunch safely. Now that is a strong-ass craft.
I have done, like, negative 3 DD on these companies, they merely fell out of the screen. Seriously. Would you buy any ol' stock your screen shit out, thinking the screener was some kind of fanciful auric goose? Come on. Be real. Actually, come to think of it, Fly may have that goose.
Anyway, the companies selected probably all suck and I hope you don't buy them. Then, I hope that later they do go up, so I can boast about it. And if they go down, well, I told you so.
UPDATE: Just realized STAN is already on the list. D'oh. Knew it was too good to be true. See? Told you no DD, haha. I replace it with FTK.
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Danny, take a look at February-March. That was when I did my 2 weekend stint.
Also note what happened after I started as the first weekend blogger.
You can thank me later for the foundation I laid for you. Sorry you couldn't hang.
Also note what happened after I started as the first weekend blogger.
You can thank me later for the foundation I laid for you. Sorry you couldn't hang.
Haha, 'shed, I literally had you in mind with this post, what with the charts and all.
You don't think it was perhaps a little bird named MVIS that was the ignitor of this traffic shit-storm since January?
This is my favorite blog because Broker A is an actual good resource, compared to a lot of other internet sites. If I had just found it after CES hyped MVIS in January, I would definitely be a hooked reader, MVIS or not. But we knew Broker had been getting more popular so that's not a surprise.
So, my point is, even in light of the new readers, I still kicked ass.
You don't think it was perhaps a little bird named MVIS that was the ignitor of this traffic shit-storm since January?
This is my favorite blog because Broker A is an actual good resource, compared to a lot of other internet sites. If I had just found it after CES hyped MVIS in January, I would definitely be a hooked reader, MVIS or not. But we knew Broker had been getting more popular so that's not a surprise.
So, my point is, even in light of the new readers, I still kicked ass.
You have produced some good traffic, thanks in large part to your "fuck you, I'm Danny" attitude.
However, I believe "Breakfast Taco" may have done a bit better, with his MVIS circle jerk posts.
However, I believe "Breakfast Taco" may have done a bit better, with his MVIS circle jerk posts.
I still believe that The Fly is breakfast taco, but last time I intimated that little nugget, I was flogged unmercifully.
Oh yeah, good point. That was a good post actually. I'll give him that credit.
Wood - Maybe jeff has some thoughts on that conspiracy?
Wood - Maybe jeff has some thoughts on that conspiracy?
Jeff - "tootsie roll dick" guy, my nemesis, posts here occasioanlly, saves multiple month-old comments from mdawsz, and runs his own conspiracy theory blog, which I refuse to link to.
Love the blog. You may want to consider measuring unique visitors, the truest measure of readership.
The only reason there was good traffic this weekend is because we, the Fly's loyal readers, kept visiting this blog in the vain hope of finding something useful and insightful to read.
Add up all of those 2 second long visits and voila, good traffic numbers.
Now, how about those weekend customer satisfaction numbers....
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Add up all of those 2 second long visits and voila, good traffic numbers.
Now, how about those weekend customer satisfaction numbers....
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