Thursday, June 07, 2007


Onyx: Shut 'Em Down

Maria Bartiromo has a very whiny, annoying voice.

She also can't do math. The DOW was only showing down 204.06 points -- and she said it was down 205.

No "calculator brain", she.
digital said--
"Maria Bartiromo has a very whiny, annoying voice...No "calculator brain"..."

Yeah, but I'll bet she has a head for other things.


Off to bandage up the wounds from the day.

Fly, the Steak Nazi says,
"No rib-eye steaks for you!"
As a dip buyer whose largest holding is MVIS, today's market gave me a stiffie.

If more people owned Microvision stock, there would be no need for Viagra.
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ATTENTION!! I've aquired TOP SECRET VIDEO of a recent meeting between Tokman as he advises a large Mutual Fund Manager on buying into MVIS!!
Fly, isn't it time for some sea bass? Come on man, what's up this weekend, you and the better half headin' to the park?
buy ... you can tell he went long this afternoon.
Why does NBR suck so much? It looks cheap, but it trades like a dead dog. Admittedly, Gene gives poor conf calls, but I doubt many people also listen to them.
crude--you sure thats not an ad for Monster Java.
Gotta love the internets--can't believe I actually forwarded that link.
SOB, I just got forced out of my HANS options as I could not risk any further loss.. I sware its almost like my performance graph has to pull back as its been parabolic for over a month. I thought I was fucking invincible.
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