Friday, June 29, 2007


Position Update: FMCN

Thank you short sellers for betting against China's largest outdoor advertising company, ahead of the 2008 Olympics.


This stock is screaming.

Nice call Fly, the writing was on the wall there and you shoved it in our faces many times, thanks.
Ribeyes and Chivas tonight!

That FMCN has just made way to much sense since you started talking shit about it at 30 something. Naturally you bank coin while I sit here on my pleather chair tossing coins.

I like zoll,dis,jnj.

Now go buy some fireworks-- all of you cheap bastards.
Either "The Fly" posts under different names or some of the other posters are trying too hard to imitate "The Fly's" writing style.

Get your own gig. You know who you are.
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