Friday, June 08, 2007


Quick Alert: Bears Dead, Again

The market can't go down, because there are too many bearish hatfuckers.

As long as the short interest stays at historic highs, every dip will be met with a short covering rally-- until a major shift in sentiment dominates investor psyche.

In my opinion, there is a good chance we are heading back to new highs. Everyone is expecting the market to go down. Shit doesn't work that way.

Come Monday morning, if we get another private equity deal, this market will melt the shorts-- like a candle.

Aside from that, I broke one of my monitors today, during ARWR's nosedive.

More on this later.

Now that kind of analysis is what we pay you for, albeit the salary of a good hard working Roman.
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I'm not sure what the point of your post is. That might be because you are an unskilled writer, or an unskilled thinker. Which is it?

Anyway, if you are simply seeking to "fit in" by busting Fly's balls, let me suggest that you might need to revamp your strategy, as it simply comes across as insulting, shows envy, and sour grapes.

I'm telling you this because what Fly is going to write will probably not be as clearly worded, and I want to make sure you understand.
Wood: Thank you and I hope you lose at least 20k next week fucker. Worded correctly enough.
Newequity, deleting your own post shows that I was wrong. You are both: an unskilled writer and an unskilled thinker.
Fly or Woody,
Do you know if MVIS's annual shareholder meeting is next week? I can't find it in my notes.
Next week. They will unveil eyewear.
you guys are gay asshats. long live The Fly!
Brent, seems like I would have gotten something in the mail. I haven't, but I did move recently. I'm sure Fly will know.
See, here's the problem with being old (me). In the olden days, market corrections were measured in percent. You know, 5%, 10%, whatever. Now, corrections are measured in hours - 5 hours, 10 hours. Gotta get with the newthink.

But, hey, some good stocks, and shorts on a short leash, even an old guy can make a buck.
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