Monday, June 25, 2007



My initial hunch was accurate. The market is having trouble with these levels. If I wasn't so hesitant to go short, I'd be going short in a very big way--right now.

However, until the market proves the sellers smart, I will wait this swoon out and buy the dips. While it's true, complacency is abundant and seasonality is not in the bulls favor, there is still record short interest.

Remember, these shorts are old and weak. They need to cover their shorts, in order to pay for their pissing pills (high blood pressure medicine) and wheel chair repairs.

However, that does not mean those old fuckers won't get up out of their wheel chairs and pistol whip us longs-- for making fun of them.

My plan, at least for today, is to take hits and fucking curse at people, in the office or the street.

So, if you happen to run across a guy today, in back of you at Dunkin' Donuts or walking by you in the street, who tells you to "go fuck a mountain goat," that will be me.

As for MVIS:

On day's like this, I want to take a Picop and smash it into a million small pieces, then have a few dozen pizza's delivered to Motorola's HQ.

Procrastinating hatfuckers.

Hehe, well said, Broker.
batten down the hatches ... incoming
Laughing while getting machine gunned.
Fly is God.
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