Friday, June 29, 2007



I don't like this reversal, not one bit.

Fuck it. I'm taking a little money off the desk, in order to wrap up the quarter nicely.

However, I may go banana's by the end of the day, buying or sorts of crap.


UPDATE: Scratch that idea. We're goin' higher. Yeeeee-Hawwwwww!!!!!

gotta live on the edge

don't get all conservative on us now
NTRI looks very healthy here on big volume.
Broker tell your friends to help us take NTRI over 70 today.
broker, the chair never lies, re mvis.
Fly-I think those voices in your head are talking to you again.
If NTRI takes 70 out, its going to "fly"
bears are trying to defend it, but sooner or later they wont be able to find a share to sell
Boone- surprised you're not busting my nuts for selling NTRI the other day.
Look at all those fuckers selling @ 70. on'll be a battle
woodshed, after all the progress we made with your balls and gait, for the love-of-fuck's-sake why?

you killed the market
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