Monday, June 11, 2007


Sector Spotlight: Greasy Oil

First off, stop asking me where MVIS will go, once the warrants are called in. I've been guiding you midgets into this stock, since $1.80. If you still can't figure shit out by now, go fuck a gorilla in the middle of the jungle.

Frankly, I've made too much money to be fucking around, answering gay questions like that.

As for today's trading:

The shorts are in serious danger, right here, right now. As the market holds these levels, after the big run up on Friday, the possibility of another breakout to the upside increases, exponentially.

With my money, I want in LNN-- in a very big way. Over the weekend, I read the U.S. is facing the worst drought, since the "dust bowl" days of 1937. Cha-ching.

Also, as always, I like HANS, ARWR and BBY-- on this dip.

As for greasy oil:

I've been hearing good stuff on AEZ. Additionally, DWSN, TTES, UPL, FSYS, CFW and GST have momentum.

Anybody else think it's strange that SIRF is trading like dog shit when one of it's largest customers, GRMN, is breaking out? Has their relationship changed? I don't get it.
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