Tuesday, June 26, 2007


They're Out to Get Me

Much to my chagrin, most of my positions are being stripped and kaned. If I didn't know any better, I'd say the bitch, Mother Market, is trying to kill me.

The way I will deal with this precipitous decline in value, whether it's MVIS, ARWR, HANS or BWLD, is to set priorities and not trade on emotion.

For example, I am tempted to fucking double my MVIS position, right here, right now. But, that's fucktarded.

When shit hits the windshield, my priority is to protect the downside and deal with making the losses back later.

This means, I will be trimming back non core positions, in order to raise cash. With the cash, I will sit patiently and wait for an ideal entry point for one of my core holdings.

Naturally, "The Fly" will recover from this debacle and eat the livers of those who tried to destroy me. All in due time.

For now, my main concern is the overall tone of the market, coupled with some serious slippage in key momentum names, aside from my own holdings.

Agree, the tone is getting dicey. If they start seriously selling the market leaders, we could be in for a bumpy summer.

the calvalry will ride in tomorrow & turdsday just in the nick of time for Q2 end.
of course with a stock like MVIS, the shorts may mark it down . I wouldn't be surprised to see them spend the coin and try to nail the sucker to $4 even.
Excellent advice, God. That's all we can do right now.
10 YR 5.10%

Any questions?
Filled my second and last round at 4.61. Cost basis 4.68. Hang on Fly, this is going back up.
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It is a blood bath in my account, a red bleeding mess. Fortunately, I was only 40% in stocks at the start of the week. Days like this are part of the game, I hardly get excited about them anymore.
How will the retards re-act to the fed meeting tomarrow?
Thankfully, 10% corrections have been rendered obsolete.

You fuckers need to eat more oatmeal.
IOC down almost 30% on no news. Ouch. That will leave a mark.
so the bears finally get a pay check .. they gets to eat some rib eye once in a while too
IOC - missed drilling update? company response of "no news doesn't necessarily mean bad news" seems a strange choice of comment if, in fact, there was pending bad news. could be good for a heckuva bounce...
it wasn't no news, there was a shareholder meeting or something yesterday.
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