Friday, June 15, 2007


Very Late Night Laughter

Normally, I do not get into "blog wars" or equally gay shit like that. However, many of you know how I despise the man named "Ducati."

It's worth noting, due to his lack of understanding of how the market works, coupled with his obsession to talk shit about anything "The Fly" buys (BWLD, NTRI, MVIS, LNN, HANS, etc), I took his link off my site-- and promised to never visit his garbage heap again.

Luckily for me, a friend sent me this link.

Fucking read it before "The Ducati" deletes all the comments. It is, by far, the worst "internet beatdown" I have ever witnessed in all my years traveling the internet-- also the funniest.

Here is a teaser of some of the gems on that comment thread:

  1. ducati(pseudo-economist) Says:

    Yes sirree bob we got ourselves a genuine patent valuator, with all the certificates, training, and qualifications thereof. Just how does one get to be one of those genuine patent valuators? Seems like I’d like to be one as all one needs to do is add toad legs, eye of newt, and a little guesswork and then one arrives at the value of a patent! Yessirree bob a genuine patent valuator!

  1. certified patent valuator Says:

    Any chances that since Ducati 1.) said there were no patents 2.) then said no patents since 2005 3.) then didn’t find Euro patents, that he is less than accurate in his patent valuations? What are the chances that Ducati understands MEMS? As it relates to PicoP? How much does understanding the technology behind the patent have to do with determining value? Do not bother with those meaningless little details as yessssiiiirreeee bob we’ll have us a patent valuation in no time a’tall.

  1. certified patent valuator Says:

    Very good Ducati, very good. I’m glad to see you’ve thrown in a little “I have no clue what the technology is or what it means” with your eye of newt and toad legs. Yesseirreeee bob that’s what we need a little “don’t know turds from tungsten” in our patent valuations. You go boy, yesssirreee bob you are one certified patent valuator.

  1. ducati Says:

    Dvision I am not Ducati. Just like him “playing economist” I only play him on this blog.

how I despise the man named "Ducati."

Careful now, or you'll become what you hate. It's in the Bible.
2:35 AM? Does the Fly ever sleep?
HANS upgraded to a buy
"2:35 AM? Does the Fly ever sleep?"

How do you know "The Fly" is not a super robot?
HANS going nuclear.
And here I thought you were surfin porn all the time.
big dawgs behind HANS again
grmn is ripping the shorts a new asshole
HANS breakout is here! Fly remains God!
FLy doesn't sleep because of drinking too much Monster Energy Drink.

Nice pick!

Consensus estimates a 3 yr earnings growth rate of 29%. This puts HANS at $100+.

A nice "Fly buy" since it is currently trading at about 43% of fair market valuation.

Glad I got in at 38.65 mid-April. Kudos to Fly for the alert.
Long live The Fly! Fuck you, short-tards! HANS over 43!
Fly- any chance of herb the bearshitter getting an asshat award?
someone farted on mvis, again.
Nice shout out on Hans earlier in the week, great call! Gotta love a GS upgrade other firms will piggy back no doubt.
Fly, you make some phenomenal calls. Way to go man.
Fuck off "Brent"!! No one fucking takes my "handle". Put a "2" after your name at once.

The "Real" Brent
Please, chill out with the talk about MVIS going down. You will piss The Fly off and he may just very qell quit giving you good info. It did this in late April after a kickass run. MACD moving into bearish territory, let it cool off a bit, nothing, I mean nothing goes straight up. When HANS went from $2-$12, it had a cooling off period, we know where HANS is now, relax.
Re: MVIS...

You fuckin ladies worry too much.

We just got a bump. Thanks for the buy Fly.
maybe ducati can be aborted in his 105th trimester.

That asshole deleted my comment which humiliated him endlessly.

You will have your chance, on the grand stage, this weekend.
...da big time.

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