Friday, July 20, 2007


My Time Machine

Shh. Don't tell anyone, or else I'll travel back to the past and punch your eyebrows off.

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Goldman called. He wants to know if you want that big ass bowl back.
Where the hell is everybody? C'mon, on a day like today, the comments section is the only thing that matters!
I'm still fucking here Shed. Closing out all my refinery positions today. Driving season soon over, crack spread will tighten. It was a good run, I'll be back in them next year. Using my profits to mail a bag of crap to Newequity, and then buy some more EPD, BWP, PAA and MVIS.
sheddog, i saw your hatchet job on VMI - which bears payroll you on amigo?
never mind, I thought you were doocati ... my bad
Whhhhooooooo boy Bruce, please don't confuse me with Dikooti. lol...How did you confuse us? Just wondering.
It's about leadership right now...BA, XOM, MMM, IBM...not doing too bad..we may still see a turnaround today.
i have no ideer how i thought you were him ... me just a reg fucktard i guess
ducati is a runt
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