Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Back From Vacation

Details forthcoming.

May first tier blogging commence, while third tier "fill-ins" go back to oblivion.

Welcome back Fly.;jsessionid=A4ZMPABA0OV3PQFIQMGCFFOAVCBQUIV0?xml=/money/2007/08/07/bcnchina107a.xml

What do you think?
Welcome back Broker.
Fuck you guys with that "welcome back" shit, especially that Kotter video.

I'll have you know, I'm all about business now.

I'm out seeking revenge against the market for stealing my money.
Go get em, Fly. When can I expect to get my money back in MCHX? Those short fuckers have busted my fucking jaw one too many times in that shitbag of a stock.

Romania doesn't sound so bad after all.
Futures and Asia are looking good. We should have a decent day tomorrow.
Oh my 0's and 1's are in worship of thy return. Of course I am talking goat shit. I think a few more MCHX tips shall ensue. Can't wait to see... captivated audience we are....
Fuck off.
"May first tier blogging commence, while third tier "fill-ins" go back to oblivion."

What kind of thanks is that for the fine job they did? And they did do a fine job.
plenty of thanks for me
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