Thursday, August 09, 2007



My voodoo Doctor has asked me to take down the "Golden Bull." He said "the sub-prime shit is messing with the bulls head, take it off now or else the moon will crash into the sun."

Needless to say, I removed the "Golden Bull."

If it's any consolation, it did help VMI go higher.

That's all I can say, regarding this matter.

Might the frequency of the bull appearance hinder his abilities to perform?
There's that damn palladium bull again..
I think MVIS is masquerading as DXD these days. It goes up when the DOW tanks.
I agree with jellpak ... Fly - don't misuse da Golden BUll .. only should be dusted off for special occasions .. the Banking Coin GODS don't look kindly on beggars, pleaders, those who blow too much smoke up their cracks and invoking the Golden Bull at the drop of a few billion in market cap. The Golden Bull needs her beauty rest for restorative powers.
Look, when my voodoo Doctor calls me and tells me to post the "Golden Bull," I listen.

I am starting to think he (voodoo Dr.) is long homebuilders or some shit. He is very bullish right now.
This buy the dip in large cap tech like Mon. morn. was too easy. KLAC,NVLS telegraphed this. I have been in and out SMH 4 times already today. Too easy, so the dip buyers should have their heads handed to them later IMO.
never trust a Voodoo Doc .. they buy massive calls in select stocks & indices before placing calls to select clients. They are notorious front runners
Be careful Bruce.

If he reads your comment, you might find yourself falling down a flight of stairs, thanks to a mysterious pack of mustard or banana peel.
LOL funny, Woodshedder!
pure coincidence ... just tripped over my pet garden frog & landed in a patch of poison ivey
I'm firing up a ribeye on the grill and drinking a Stella

Mmmm Stella. I drank one this morning before buying NSTK.
Broker would you short LAZ and hedge it with long GS?
HOKU is launching a HIRF attack on the shorts.
the golden bull has to be posted upside down.
I got my face ripped off by JLL today.

Oh look! What's that on the ground?

Oh, it's Dinosaur Trader's face! Ouch!

Is LZ still a gun 2 head own Fly? Nice pick and dump.
LLNW hurt my account after the big pullback this morning.
The Golden Bull looks like the bull that ex-Mississippi State football coach Jackie Sherill used to castrate in order to motivate his team. Perhaps a Bull castration is in order for a market jumpstart.
LZ fucker:

Check my archives. On July 27th, I told you I sold out of my LZ position.
This MVIS shit is really cool.
LZ update. My apologies, and I'll go fuck some corn. Shit.
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