Friday, August 24, 2007


Closing Comments

"The Fly" is back, in full force. Thus far, my caffeinated induced purchases have paid off, in spades.

All day, I enjoyed big gains in ATI, LNN, MVIS, RS, KALU, GLF, FTK, BWLD and AAPL, amongst many others.

In short, my year to date gains are nearing 30%, via making a fucking truckload this week.

As you know, when the DOW hits 13,500, "The Fly" will throw some hedges on the desk, via short LAZ or long SRS.

Or, he may decide it's stupid, and just buy whatever the fuck the "slope of hope" fucker is shorting.

All in all, it's important to let you (internet vampires) know how much smarter "The Fly" is than Angelo Mozilo, despite his vast fortune and old penny tan.

Finally, if a shotgun were put to my head, in order to extract one stock pick, I'd say "shoot me sir, if you must, but before you do: go long iiG."

NOTE: Be sure to visit this site, over the weekend. I have a really old dude guest blogging. It should make "interesting elections."


As you know, you are banned. Fuck off.
Great week -

That's a mighty impressive turnaround. Should have held onto FCX (woulda, coulda, shoulda).

Did you happen to dip into margin this week?

As for the Old Fuck doing 6MPH on his George Costanza scooter, I bet he falls down the stairs faster. Might as well fire him now if his posts are anything like the crap he put up this AM...
Heavy leverage.

However, I reduced it over the last few days, with select sells.

Looks like my old blogger is already blogging.
I saw that shit
Nice trading broken a(ss)

You should give timmy knight his due, you might learn how to trade both types of markets and make 2x the money.

Ah, you're right, probably not.
cjn- or, you might just focus on doing one thing really well.
What? You call those big gains? You bought ATI at $98 and $97 and today it close at $98.15 and lost another 3 pennies. That's a big gaim? Your favorite MVIS gained a pathetic 10 cents and then give back 9 cents after hour. So that one bloody cent is a big gain for the day? Pathetic!

Look, SWC has bottomed and gained just a little today at 7.6%. I would even hesitate to call that a significant gain. You have seen nothing yet. There will be HUGE MONEY to be made in SWC. Why do you guys refuse to even listen?

Let's see how long can you resist the temptation to load up some SWC and make some sweet money in this baby! You can't resist it can you?

Your MVIS is a loser. I spend my time, looked at it, see something that is nice. But it is still a loser that I will not touch. If it is something I can like I would have bought some.
Hey jj,
A mining company with a P/E of only 138? Wow, I'm in!

A P/E of +138 is way much better than a negative P/E of MVIS. Ask FLY why he would invest in a company with negative P/E. The point is you lok forward and see what kind of profit a company could possibly make in the future, not in the histry.

With booming demand in PGM metals, the metals prices will continue to go up and SWC will soon make huge amount of money. With a price/sales as low as 1.2, any significant boost of precious metal prices will easily push SWC's P/E to low single digit or even below 1.0, hence warrant a future stock price to be boosted 20 folds, 40 folds or even more.

What kind of P/E did PCU have back in 2003 and before? Triple digits! What kind of P/E PCU has today? Low tens, even thought he stock price has gone up 20 folds from 4 years ago. If you reject PCU 4 years ago just because of a triple digit P/E you would have made a big mistake.

SWC is right now standing where PCU was 4 years ago. Read it all on my blog.
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