Monday, August 06, 2007


Evening Chart Chomping

Have you noticed how GOOG has held up through all the subprime selling? Take a look at the 12 month uptrend still intact. GOOG news tomorrow with AAPL new IMac?

"Apple's .Mac site warns users that the .Mac service will be undergoing maintenance on August 7th between 10 AM an 12 PM PDT."

Coincidentally, this time corresponds exactly to Apple's Media Event which is scheduled to take place on August 7th at 10AM PDT.
MACK Dee??

We doan need no steenkin' MACK dee!!

Do you pay for those charts or use the free service?
Pretty sure you have to pay to graffiti on them like that...
no you dont. go to, enter your stock, and click annotate.
What boone said is correct.

Boone- nice use of volume bars. Did you whip that up in 10 minutes? If so, I am of no use here...
WTF am I paying $100 a year for then?

5 min. charts?
i dunno. maybe. doesn't your trading program have that?
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