Thursday, August 16, 2007


Fly Buy: FCX

I bought 1,500 FCX @ $70.45.

UPDATE: I bought 5,000 FCX @ $69.88.

Disclaimer: If you buy FCX because of this post, you will go blind. And, you may lose money.

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Here's some DD:

Check out the paths of hurricanes

Here is the path of Katrina

Here's Rita

Doesn't look too good.
Paths don't mean all that much. You need to look at various weather systems in the area. Presently, there is a high pressure system off the coast of Florida and its expected to stay over the weekend which means it will keep Dean on a course south of Cuba into the Yucatan.
Tradercadddy is correct. That is why they models take that into effect. But 90% of the time, they tend to revise them slightly northbound, something about the rotation of the earth yada yada, I didn't even know it rotates. It looks still to me when I walk outside. NewEq, I hear Jamaica is great this time of year.
here is another path for ya. Sorry Yucatan
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